Bug 96236 - Support asymmetric error bars
Summary: Support asymmetric error bars
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.1.0
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-03 19:32 UTC by Andrew Walker
Modified: 2005-01-04 20:48 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Andrew Walker 2005-01-03 19:32:33 UTC
Version:           1.0.1 (using KDE KDE 3.2.1)
OS:                Linux

At present it is assumed that error bars are symmetric. It would be better to support asymmetric error bars. This would necessitate changes to the UI that allows the error bars for a curve to be specified.
Comment 1 Andrew Walker 2005-01-04 00:38:42 UTC
This will necessitate changes to the KstCurve classes, to add functions that differentiate between the minus and plus x,y error bars.
Comment 2 Andrew Walker 2005-01-04 20:48:09 UTC
CVS commit by arwalker: 

Allow the user to specify asymmetric error bars. Be default the same error values will be used in both the +ve and -ve directions. If an older kst file is read in that supported only symmetric error bars then the same error values will be used in both the +ve and -ve directions. If an older version of kst reads in a kst file that uses asymmetric error bars then only the +ve value will be honoured and will be used for both +ve and -ve values.

CCMAIL: 96236-done@bugs.kde.org

  M +166 -82   curvedialog.ui   1.23
  M +3 -3      datawizard.ui.h   1.103
  M +103 -17   kst2dplot.cpp   1.342
  M +10 -2     kstbasecurve.h   1.34
  M +82 -3     kstcurvedialog_i.cpp   1.77
  M +2 -0      kstcurvedialog_i.h   1.18
  M +1 -1      kstcurvehint.cpp   1.3
  M +1 -1      ksteqdialog_i.cpp   1.74
  M +1 -1      kstfilterdialog_i.cpp   1.27
  M +1 -1      kstfitdialog_i.cpp   1.50
  M +1 -1      ksthsdialog_i.cpp   1.77
  M +3 -3      kstiface_impl.cpp   1.58
  M +25 -0     kstpoint.cpp   1.10
  M +1 -1      kstpoint.h   1.9
  M +1 -1      kstpsddialog_i.cpp   1.71
  M +115 -4    kstvcurve.cpp   1.55
  M +14 -1     kstvcurve.h   1.29
  M +5 -5      main.cpp   1.94