Bug 95656 - Multicolumn way does not use all available space (Regression?)
Summary: Multicolumn way does not use all available space (Regression?)
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: file icon view (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
: 114587 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2004-12-22 13:59 UTC by Thomas McGuire
Modified: 2009-09-08 19:02 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Screenshot which shows the problem (26.25 KB, image/png)
2004-12-22 14:00 UTC, Thomas McGuire

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Description Thomas McGuire 2004-12-22 13:59:46 UTC
Version:            (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources
OS:                Linux

At first startup (and maybe later), the Multicolumn does not use all available width, but limits its column width to a fixed size. See attached screenshot. 
The result of this are crippled filenames with ellipsis (..) in them, which are unreadable.

The Multicolumn view should use all available width.
If there is more than one column, the space should be distributed intelligentely among the columns.
There should also be a minimum width, maybe about 15 characters.
Comment 1 Thomas McGuire 2004-12-22 14:00:35 UTC
Created attachment 8764 [details]
Screenshot which shows the problem
Comment 2 Martin Koller 2005-01-09 14:05:29 UTC
Can not reproduce with current 3.4 CVS.
(BTW: you can define the maximum width of the multicolumn view in Configure/Appearance, default is 600 pixel.)
Comment 3 Thomas McGuire 2005-02-08 21:23:38 UTC
With CVS HEAD from 06.02.2005, the behavior shown in the screenshot seems to be the default. Please delete/backup your .kde directory and try again.
Comment 4 Ben Muzal 2005-06-06 16:33:30 UTC
I had kde 3.3 from Debian, and the multicolumn view had fixed column widths as seen in the picture. I upgraded to kde 3.4.0 and multicolumn view still had fixed column widths. I changed the default from 600 pixels to 1000 pixels and changed the font size from 12pt to 9pt (did both at same time). After I saved the changes, the multicolumn view then switched to dynamic column width.
Comment 5 Joseph Kerian 2006-08-31 18:43:38 UTC
Bug still present in Kubuntu Dapper, KDE 3.5.2.
Regardless of the Configure/Appearance setting, this is cutting off way before 600 pixels. Changing it to 601 and then back to 600 and hitting apply seems to correct the problem... so that default setting does not appear to be respected.
Comment 6 Philip Rodrigues 2007-01-09 23:43:22 UTC
*** Bug 114587 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Philip Rodrigues 2007-01-09 23:45:04 UTC
Pasting my comment from bug 114587 :

 I can confirm this with r620k. The cause is line 91ff in kdebase/libkonq/konq_settings.cc: 
   d->m_iconTextWidth = config->readNumEntry( "TextWidth", DEFAULT_TEXTWIDTH ); 
   if ( d->m_iconTextWidth == DEFAULT_TEXTWIDTH ) 
     d->m_iconTextWidth = QFontMetrics(m_standardFont).width("0000000000"); 
 ie, if the textwidth is at the default, set it to a "sensible" value based on the default font. This is reasonable, but a little confusing, because it leads to bug reports like this :-). I guess this is a WONTFIX for the developers, though, since it's kind of a corner case. 
Comment 8 FiNeX 2009-09-08 19:02:03 UTC
Reports about file management mode reported against KDE 3 (konqueror) has been closed: konqueror in KDE 3 is no more developed and mantained. All bugs and wishes which could be interesting for Dolphin in KDE 4 (the new KDE file manager) has been collected into a specific list.

Please try the new file manager before request new features and report bugs.

Before submitting new reports check carefully the already opened Dolphin reports in order to don't add duplicates.

Many thanks.