Bug 89339 - Albums with duplicate names, second one will not show up
Summary: Albums with duplicate names, second one will not show up
Alias: None
Product: juk
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.1
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Scott Wheeler
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-09-12 10:24 UTC by Arne Schmitz
Modified: 2004-09-17 09:05 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Arne Schmitz 2004-09-12 10:24:07 UTC
Version:           2.1 (using KDE 3.3.0, SuSE)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.1 (SuSE Linux)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.4.21-243-athlon

If you've got two albums with the same name, from different artists, the second album (considering the artist in alphabetical order) does not show up in the tree view of albums.
Comment 1 Michael Pyne 2004-09-16 06:59:00 UTC
This I can confirm, but it's almost-a-feature.  This is a hard one to fix, because of the following:

Consider that you have an album with a compilation of music from various artists.  You don't want to have this album show up 12 times in the tree view.

The truth is that the Album name is just a very poor mechanism for determining album uniqueness.  It would be possible to implement a heuristic for trying to match tracks to their album, but I make no promises.
Comment 2 Arne Schmitz 2004-09-16 09:16:08 UTC
Am Donnerstag, 16. September 2004 06:59 schrieb Michael Pyne:
> ------- This I can confirm, but it's almost-a-feature.  This is a hard one
> to fix, because of the following:
> Consider that you have an album with a compilation of music from various
> artists.  You don't want to have this album show up 12 times in the tree
> view.
> The truth is that the Album name is just a very poor mechanism for
> determining album uniqueness.  It would be possible to implement a
> heuristic for trying to match tracks to their album, but I make no
> promises.

Ok, I understand this. But then at least please show all tracks from albums of 
a single name together. At the moment I have two albums with the same name, 
and only the songs from the first one shows. 


Comment 3 Michael Pyne 2004-09-16 09:40:29 UTC
CVS commit by mpyne: 

Make the tree view mode playlists use a case-insensitive search, since that's what the underlying map uses.

This should fix bug 89339.  Reporter: Please let me know if it doesn't.  Otherwise I will backport tomorrow and close the bug.


  M +1 -1      viewmode.cpp   1.34

--- kdemultimedia/juk/viewmode.cpp  #1.33:1.34
@@ -355,5 +355,5 @@ void TreeViewMode::slotAddItems(const QS
-        components.append(PlaylistSearch::Component(item, true, columns, mode));
+        components.append(PlaylistSearch::Component(item, false, columns, mode));
         PlaylistSearch s(playlists, components, PlaylistSearch::MatchAny, false);

Comment 4 Michael Pyne 2004-09-17 08:11:57 UTC
CVS commit by mpyne: 

Backport fix for bug 89339 (Albums with a name that differs only in case don't show up) to KDE 3.3.


  M +1 -1      viewmode.cpp

--- kdemultimedia/juk/viewmode.cpp  #
@@ -342,5 +342,5 @@ void TreeViewMode::slotAddItem(const QSt
         mode = PlaylistSearch::Component::Exact;
-    components.append(PlaylistSearch::Component(item, true, columns, mode));
+    components.append(PlaylistSearch::Component(item, false, columns, mode));
     PlaylistList playlists;

Comment 5 Arne Schmitz 2004-09-17 09:05:06 UTC
Am Freitag, 17. September 2004 08:11 schrieb Michael Pyne:
> Backport fix for bug 89339 (Albums with a name that differs only in case
> don't show up) to KDE 3.3.

Great! That's it, I didn't realise that the two albums I was talking about had 
different cases. :) 

Thank you very much!
