Bug 89262 - hexidecimal notation (instead of decimal) would be useful in some cases
Summary: hexidecimal notation (instead of decimal) would be useful in some cases
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: ui (show other bugs)
Version: 1.x
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: VLO wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
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Reported: 2004-09-10 21:41 UTC by Matthew Truch
Modified: 2006-02-15 00:21 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Matthew Truch 2004-09-10 21:41:29 UTC
Version:           1.0.0_devel (using KDE KDE 3.2.3)
Installed from:    RedHat RPMs
OS:                Linux

Sometimes we plot bitfields and other computer status info with kst.  It would be useful if the values on the axes (and status bar and datamode) could be displayed in hex in this case (as decimal numbers are much less meaningful).  Clearly this would be a selectable thing, and would probably need to apply to a plot as a whole.  Perhaps binary and octal as well (???).
Comment 1 Andrew Walker 2004-09-23 00:51:00 UTC
What would happen with non-integer values? Display something like AB.BDEF?

Binary values would not seem like a good idea as the labels will become very large very quickly.
Comment 2 Matthew Truch 2004-09-23 03:47:53 UTC
> What would happen with non-integer values? Display something like AB.BDEF?
> Binary values would not seem like a good idea as the labels will become very large very quickly.

I did not think about non-integer values, as to me, hex mode only makes
sense for integers.  It's less important to me at this point, however,
since bitwise & and | have been added.  

Comment 3 Netterfield 2004-09-23 16:18:59 UTC
We could assert that hex or binary notation requests only be honored if the 
axis numbers are integers (typ. range is larger than ~5).  I think that the 
feature really would be useful in many cases.

Comment 4 D. V. Wiebe 2004-09-29 07:04:56 UTC
I orignally suggested this to Matt.  At the time I was trying to extract, I think, a two bit number from a bitfield timestream using my head (which can subtract powers of two better in hexidecimal than in decimal).  If there are now bitwise operators, that solves my problem just as well.

(Though, for the record, hexadecimal non-integer numbers are cool...)
Comment 5 Netterfield 2006-02-15 00:21:35 UTC
Hexadecimal non-integer numbers are too uncommon to justify this feature.
The needs of the original submitter have been met by other means.