Bug 88232 - Quanta doesn't see which files have been modified since last upload
Summary: Quanta doesn't see which files have been modified since last upload
Alias: None
Product: quanta
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: András Manţia
: 92243 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-08-27 16:26 UTC by Thibaut Cousin
Modified: 2004-11-15 12:29 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Latest Commit:
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Description Thibaut Cousin 2004-08-27 16:26:39 UTC
Version:           3.3.0 (using KDE 3.3.0, SuSE)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.8-5cvs20040825220529-default

A new problem appeared with Quanta 3.3.0.

Now the upload dialog never indicates that any file has been modified. It always appears with all files unchecked, so I have to manually check all the files I want to upload.

It's a project I was already using in previous versions of Quanta, not a new one created with 3.3.0.

Thanks for your attention!
Comment 1 András Manţia 2004-08-27 16:39:45 UTC
Are you sure that the upload status for the files is not set to Never?
Comment 2 Thibaut Cousin 2004-08-27 16:56:47 UTC
Yes, you're right. I had never noticed that option...

It's a bit tricky: everything was working with Quanta 3.2, and when I upgrade to 3.3 suddenly all the files in my project are marked as not uploadable. I don't think it's a very good default status.

But thanks for the hint, it's easy enough to solve. Could you consider changing the default value of that status?
Comment 3 András Manţia 2004-09-13 12:18:28 UTC
CVS commit by amantia: 

When opening a Quanta 3.2 project set the upload status of the files to "When Modified" not to "Never" [#88232].
When adding files to a project, use the upload status of the parent directory for the newly added file.

CCMAIL: 88232-done@bugs.kde.org
CCMAIL: quanta-devel@kde.org

  M +6 -2      ChangeLog   1.297
  M +6 -1      project/project.cpp   1.207
  M +1 -4      project/projectlist.cpp   1.5

--- kdewebdev/quanta/ChangeLog  #1.296:1.297
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
         - possible crash on startup fixed
         - don't try to autofill a closing tag for non-xml tags [#89212]
+        - when opening a Quanta 3.2 project set the upload status of the files to
+          "When Modified" not to "Never" [#88232]
+        - when adding files to a project, use the upload status of the parent directory
+           for the newly added file
+        - fix the Save As.. behavior (it defaulted to some strange directories, depending
+          on the active treeview, selected directory, etc.)
 Version 3.3.0 (Release date: 18-08-2004; Started 07-05-2004):

--- kdewebdev/quanta/project/project.cpp  #1.206:1.207
@@ -1527,5 +1527,10 @@ void Project::insertFile(const KURL& nam
       el.setAttribute("url", QuantaCommon::qUrl( QExtFileInfo::toRelative(url, d->baseURL) ));
       d->dom.firstChild().firstChild().appendChild( el );
-      d->m_projectFiles.insert( new ProjectURL(url, "", 1, false, el) );
+      KURL u = url.upURL();
+      ProjectURL *parentURL = d->m_projectFiles.find(u);
+      int uploadStatus = 1;
+      if (parentURL)
+        uploadStatus = parentURL->uploadStatus;
+      d->m_projectFiles.insert( new ProjectURL(url, "", uploadStatus, false, el) );

--- kdewebdev/quanta/project/projectlist.cpp  #1.4:1.5
@@ -80,11 +80,8 @@ bool ProjectList::readFromXML(QDomDocume
       } else
-        int defaultUploadStatus = 0;
         bool docFolder = (el.attribute("documentFolder", "false") == "true");
-        if (docFolder || url.url().startsWith(templateURL.url()) )
-          defaultUploadStatus = 1;
         int uploadStatus = el.attribute("uploadstatus", "-1").toInt();
         if (uploadStatus == -1)
-          el.setAttribute("uploadstatus", defaultUploadStatus);
+          el.setAttribute("uploadstatus", 1);
         //remove non-existent local files
         if ( url.isLocalFile() )

Comment 4 András Manţia 2004-11-15 12:29:07 UTC
*** Bug 92243 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***