Bug 88088 - network transports should use KIO
Summary: network transports should use KIO
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: elog extension (show other bugs)
Version: 1.x
Platform: unspecified Linux
: HI wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-08-26 00:47 UTC by Andrew Walker
Modified: 2005-01-20 01:55 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Andrew Walker 2004-08-26 00:47:52 UTC
Version:           0.99(devel) (using KDE KDE 3.2.1)
OS:                Linux

network transports should use KIO so they can use user settings, support
  encryption, proxy, non-standard ports, etc
Comment 1 Netterfield 2004-10-19 18:44:53 UTC
If this is refering to the elog and email stuff, this is high priority.
Comment 2 George Staikos 2004-11-01 16:37:48 UTC
I believe there is email code in the Kst core which needs to be fixed too. 
Comment 3 Andrew Walker 2005-01-03 22:36:01 UTC
Does anyone know of a good source of documentation for the kio_slaves, using rather than writing? Also, a search on the smtp kio_slave indicates numerous issues with this kio_slave. Does anyone know if these have been fully or largely resolved?
Comment 4 George Staikos 2005-01-04 00:08:54 UTC
On Monday 03 January 2005 16:36, Andrew Walker wrote:
> ------- Does anyone know of a good source of documentation for the
> kio_slaves, using rather than writing? Also, a search on the smtp kio_slave
> indicates numerous issues with this kio_slave. Does anyone know if these
> have been fully or largely resolved?

   The smtp slave works perfectly fine and far better than what we have in 
Kst.  As for documentation, for the SMTP slave, you setup the parameters and 
query and do KIO::put().  See KMSendSMTP in kdepim/kmail/kmsender.cpp for an 
example.  Basically all slaves work like this, and the classes are all 
documented in the KDE library documentation.

Comment 5 Andrew Walker 2005-01-05 00:14:58 UTC
The email configuration settings may be applied to more than just event notifications. 
Do we want to configure these settings from a new tab of the Kst Settings dialog?
Comment 6 George Staikos 2005-01-05 00:35:40 UTC
On Tuesday 04 January 2005 18:14, Andrew Walker wrote:
> ------- The email configuration settings may be applied to more than just
> event notifications. Do we want to configure these settings from a new tab
> of the Kst Settings dialog? _______________________________________________

  That sounds like the best idea to me.  It can pull the defaults from 
KControl (there is an email setting there).  That's the way KMail does it.

Comment 7 Andrew Walker 2005-01-06 02:58:06 UTC
CVS commit by arwalker: 

CCMAIL: 88088@bugs.kde.org

Seems to be working okay, but not tested with anything but the simplest SMTP server.

  M +202 -128  emailthread.cpp   1.6
  M +56 -17    emailthread.h   1.3
  M +101 -107  eventmonitor.ui   1.26
  M +1 -5      ksteventmonitor_i.cpp   1.27
  M +4 -11     ksteventmonitorentry.cpp   1.28
  M +1 -6      ksteventmonitorentry.h   1.18
  M +4 -2      kstsettings.cpp   1.13

Comment 8 Andrew Walker 2005-01-06 20:44:51 UTC
CVS commit by arwalker: 

Remove threading from email notifcation.

CCMAIL: 88088@bugs.kde.org

  M +14 -40    emailthread.cpp   1.7
  M +6 -27     emailthread.h   1.4
  M +0 -8      eventmonitor.ui   1.27
  M +2 -2      ksteventmonitorentry.cpp   1.29

Comment 9 Andrew Walker 2005-01-06 20:46:04 UTC
The ELOG server does not support any enryption, login, etc so will not benefit from using the kio_slaves. Unless I hear of anywhere else where the kio_slaves may be of use I will close this bug.
Comment 10 Andrew Walker 2005-01-07 04:11:06 UTC
Email notifications from the event monitoring system now use the smtp kio_slave.
Comment 11 George Staikos 2005-01-10 21:08:21 UTC
A few of the many reasons why it is needed for ELOG HTTP:
1) HTTP Proxy
2) SOCKs proxy
3) Encryption (which indeed can be used in many setups with ELOG, both proxy and non-proxy)
4) Much more reliable HTTP implementation
5) Security
6) Any future changes in ELOG to use cookies, authentication, etc.

All of the network protocol implementations in Kst need to use KIO.  There are just too many issues, and the overall philosophy is to make Kst fully KIO enabled over time, in all areas.
Comment 12 Andrew Walker 2005-01-20 01:55:05 UTC
CVS commit by arwalker: 

Use KIO for the http connections to ELOG.

CCMAIL: 88088-done@bugs.kde.org

  A            elogbasicthreadsubmit.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            elogbasicthreadsubmit.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  M +1 -1      Makefile.am   1.10
  M +7 -6      elog.cpp   1.19
  M +1 -1      elog.h   1.5
  M +14 -15    elogconfiguration_i.cpp   1.7
  M +15 -271   elogeventthreadsubmit.cpp   1.6
  M +3 -23     elogeventthreadsubmit.h   1.4
  M +27 -98    elogthread.cpp   1.11
  M +13 -12    elogthread.h   1.7
  M +85 -105   elogthreadattrs.cpp   1.8
  M +10 -3     elogthreadattrs.h   1.2
  M +161 -201  elogthreadsubmit.cpp   1.15
  M +36 -19    elogthreadsubmit.h   1.6