Bug 87920 - konqueror newsticker sidebar fails
Summary: konqueror newsticker sidebar fails
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 3.3
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: mcamen
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Reported: 2004-08-24 11:29 UTC by mojedokumenty
Modified: 2004-08-24 23:48 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description mojedokumenty 2004-08-24 11:29:42 UTC
Version:           3.3 (using KDE 3.3.0, SuSE)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.5-7.104-default

Whenever I try to run the konqueror sidebar newsticker it fails with an error message: 'cannot connect to rss service' (titled Sidebar Newsticker - Konqueror) and a wide sidebar with a single configuration button appears. I've made sure that the sidebar newsticker is given a proper rss source address, but it seems none of them actually work, even the one defaulting to kde rss service!

I don't know whether it might be of help to say that when I had kdenetwork3-news installed, the taskbar newsticker received the news all right, but then again would the konqueror newsticker require a seperate news client to be installed?
Comment 1 mcamen 2004-08-24 11:44:05 UTC
The news applet depends on a tool called 'rssservice' which is part of kdenetwork3-news. If this is not installed you won't be able to add the news applet to the sidebar at all. In fact, the 'add' popup menu will only show a 'newsticker' item if 'rssservice' is available.

The special situation here is that you removed 'rssservice' (together with kdenetwork3-news) after adding the newsticker sidebar.

Hmmm.... Maybe I can make the error message a bit more informative. Do you have a suggestion?
Comment 2 mcamen 2004-08-24 11:50:46 UTC
Furthermore the 'Configure' button should not be shown in such an situation, IMHO.
Comment 3 mcamen 2004-08-24 12:08:17 UTC
CVS commit by mcamen: 

Disable configuration items in case we cannot connect to the DCOP
CCMAIL: 87920@bugs.kde.org

  M +1 -0      sidebar_news.cpp   1.73

--- kdeaddons/konq-plugins/sidebar/newsticker/sidebar_news.cpp  #1.72:1.73
@@ -73,4 +73,5 @@ namespace KSB_News {
       KMessageBox::error(widgets, i18n("Cannot connect to RSS service."),
                          i18n("Sidebar Newsticker"));
+      noRSSwidget->setEnabled(false);
     } else {
       m_rssservice = DCOPRef("rssservice", "RSSService");

Comment 4 mcamen 2004-08-24 12:13:02 UTC
CVS commit by mcamen: 


Disable configuration items in case we cannot connect to the DCOP
CCMAIL: 87920@bugs.kde.org

  M +1 -0      sidebar_news.cpp

--- kdeaddons/konq-plugins/sidebar/newsticker/sidebar_news.cpp  #1.70:
@@ -73,4 +73,5 @@ namespace KSB_News {
       KMessageBox::error(widgets, i18n("Cannot connect to RSS service."),
                          i18n("Sidebar Newsticker"));
+      noRSSwidget->setEnabled(false);
     } else {
       m_rssservice = DCOPRef("rssservice", "RSSService");

Comment 5 mojedokumenty 2004-08-24 12:35:23 UTC
Yeah, proves you correct, once I installed kdenetwork3-news everything is fine. Still, I believe the error message is misleading and if the sidebar_news cannot find rssservice, it should say so and/or give reason why (perhaps kdenetwork3-news is not installed?). Alternatively, a dependency on kdenetwork3-news could be introduced so that no error would arise in the future due to a missing package.

However, the add service popup box is available no matter if rssservice is available.

Thx to your assistance on this issue.
Comment 6 mojedokumenty 2004-08-24 12:35:51 UTC
Yeah, proves you correct, once I installed kdenetwork3-news everything is fine. Still, I believe the error message is misleading and if the sidebar_news cannot find rssservice, it should say so and/or give reason why (perhaps kdenetwork3-news is not installed?). Alternatively, a dependency on kdenetwork3-news could be introduced so that no error would arise in the future due to a missing package.

However, the add service popup box is available no matter if rssservice is available.

Thx to your assistance on this issue.
Comment 7 mcamen 2004-08-24 12:52:16 UTC
Regarding package dependencies:
This is SuSEs business. But as it is just a runtime dependency it will most likely not be included in the RPM packages.

Regarding 'add->newsticker' popup menu:
Well, this just WorksForMe. Maybe the sycocoa database on your system is not up2date? AFAIK adding or removing an RPM on SuSE refreshes the global syscoca database via SuSEconfig.kde. So I would suppose there is more likely a problem with updating the different databases. Also keep in mind that you have to restart konqueror (including hidden preloaded instances). Sorry, but I cannot help here.

Regarding the comment in the dialog:
I will try to give a more verbose description. Unfortunately mentioning kdenetwork3-news.rpm or similar is not possible as every distribution has a different packaging (think of Debian, Solaris, CygWin) ...
Comment 8 mcamen 2004-08-24 23:42:18 UTC
CVS commit by mcamen: 

Give the user a more detailed hint why the applet does not work

CCMAIL: 87920@bugs.kde.org

  M +5 -1      sidebar_news.cpp   1.75

--- kdeaddons/konq-plugins/sidebar/newsticker/sidebar_news.cpp  #1.74:1.75
@@ -71,5 +71,9 @@ namespace KSB_News {
     // try to connect to the DCOP service
     if (checkDcopService() > 0) {
-      KMessageBox::sorry(widgets, i18n("Cannot connect to RSS service."),
+      KMessageBox::sorry(widgets,
+                         i18n("<qt>Cannot connect to RSS service. Please make "
+                              "sure the <strong>rssservice</strong> program "
+                              "is available (usually distributed as part "
+                              "of kdenetwork).</qt>"),
                          i18n("Sidebar Newsticker"));

Comment 9 mcamen 2004-08-24 23:48:13 UTC
The better error message will not be in KDE 3.3.1 as it introduces a modified i18n() string which is not allowed within the KDE 3.3.x series (it will break translations). But the fix will be in KDE 3.4 / KDE 4.