Version: 3.2.1 (using KDE 3.2.3, (3.1)) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.4 (Debian 1:3.3.4-7) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.7 It would be nice if Kompare was a bit more lenient in the kind of input it accepts for comparison. For me, it happens regularly that I need to compare a file with an older compressed version or a folder with an archived version (tar.gz, zip). Michael
I'll see what i can do, but i cant guarantee anything for KDE 3.4/4.0.
Please consider supporting compressed XML-Formats like files, OpenDocument files, SVGZ, VRML too.
This is gonna be a little spammy... I'm reassigning everything that's currently assigned to bruggie (who's been the default assignee for bugs since time began) to the new list address. Bruggie: if you're working on one or more of these atm, please snatch 'em back.. Everyone, esp. Joshua and Bruggie: if this genrates 33 mails, my sincere apologies..
This is already possible when you use the tar kioslave. For example compare /tmp/difftest.txt with tar:/tmp/difftest.tar.bz2 Saving applied differences to files in the archive doesn't work yet though, we are working on that for KDE 4.0
Winfried, using KIO slaves does not solve the problem for the user. E.g. one selects 2 OpenDocument files in Krusader and chooses "compare by content".
If I understand your request well, you want Kompare to understand the contents of binary files. I think that's a bit too much too ask for, and it would be a hell of a maintenance job to keep that up to date.
No, kompare should offer to compare the included data of archives if it detects that a file is an archive. One way to do this is to use the file command, e.g. #file test.odt test.odt: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract