Version: 1.3.0 (using KDE 3.2.3, compiled sources) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.3 OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.26 This time it is a little bit harder to crash Umbrello, but it works. 1. Load Umbrello 2. Change active language to Java and click for a new document 3. Change active language to PHP and click for a new document 4. Change active language to C++ and click for a new document 5. Go on changing the language till it crashes backtrace: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x40be3995 in QObject::disconnectInternal () from /usr/lib/qt/lib/ (gdb) bt #0 0x40be3995 in QObject::disconnectInternal () from /usr/lib/qt/lib/ #1 0x40be3728 in QObject::disconnect () from /usr/lib/qt/lib/ #2 0x08145a63 in OwnedCodeBlock::release (this=0x4101ce48) at qobject.h:240 #3 0x08146c13 in OwnedHierarchicalCodeBlock::release (this=0x8812ae8) at ownedhierarchicalcodeblock.cpp:48 #4 0x08119c79 in CodeGenObjectWithTextBlocks::resetTextBlocks (this=0x0) at codegenobjectwithtextblocks.cpp:345 #5 0x0812c354 in HierarchicalCodeBlock::release (this=0x858a418) at hierarchicalcodeblock.cpp:407 #6 0x08119c79 in CodeGenObjectWithTextBlocks::resetTextBlocks (this=0x85d65d8) at codegenobjectwithtextblocks.cpp:345 #7 0x08118d67 in ~CodeGenObjectWithTextBlocks (this=0x85d65d8) at codegenobjectwithtextblocks.cpp:33 #8 0x0811037c in ~CodeDocument (this=0x85d65b0) at qstring.h:848 #9 0x0810292a in ~ClassifierCodeDocument (this=0x85d65b0) at qptrlist.h:70 #10 0x082608a9 in ~CPPHeaderCodeDocument (this=0x85d65b0) at qstring.h:848 #11 0x08256e79 in ~CPPCodeGenerator (this=0x0) at cppcodegenerator.cpp:45 #12 0x08162392 in UMLDoc::removeCodeGenerator (this=0x843de00, remove_object=0x884e3c8) at umldoc.cpp:676 #13 0x081620e4 in UMLDoc::deleteContents (this=0x843de00) at qdict.h:111 #14 0x0815f6ab in UMLDoc::newDocument (this=0x843de00) at umldoc.cpp:220 #15 0x081581e8 in UMLApp::slotFileNew (this=0x83dca38) at uml.cpp:597
I can't recreate this in 3.3 or HEAD. Can you still recreate this Sebastian?
Jonathan Riddell <> [040825 19:39]: > I can't recreate this in 3.3 or HEAD. Can you still recreate this Sebastian? The same here, I can't recreate as well. Sebastian
*** Bug has been marked as fixed ***.