Version: cvs-20040607 (using KDE KDE 3.2.90) Installed from: Gentoo Packages Compiler: gcc version 3.4.0 20040601 (Gentoo Linux 3.4.0-r6, ssp-3.4-2, pie- glibc-[XX]FLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O2 -ftracer -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math" OS: Linux Konversation is a perfect replacement for xchat-2 except for 3 things. 1. *fake* transparency like konsole/xchat/kopete 2. /exec -o 3. plugins interface but great app overall, thanks for it. peace
1. not before X implements that natively (fd.o X does) 2. what is -o ? 3. probably, but there's scripting interface, so plugins might be just as well external to konvi
2. I've added a cmd script, you can use it like this: /exec cmd <command>, it behaves like xchat's /exec -o. 3. Most things can be done with shell scripts using DCOP, is there something missing for you?
Xorg 6.8.0 now supports that, but you need to add suppose for composite tho (it's annoying to have the full window transparent with transset). (konsole has support for it, so you might want to check it's code) peace
Why not do it the same as kopete? Xorg Composite is still experimental, and eventually KDE will support it anyway.
konsole works ;] - kopete not always - basically baceuse of that - moreover - real transparency wolud br a wery bad thing for irc-client - since you have to read text - the only usable method is to use fake transparency ..., and the code already exists in konsole and i would be happy if it apears in konversation ;] - enough reasons ? ;]
*** Bug 193297 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***