Version: 3.0.90-CVS (using KDE KDE 3.2.2) Installed from: Compiled From Sources Compiler: gcc-3.3.3 glibc 2.3 - linux kernel 2.6.5 OS: Linux while moving up with the cursors buttons on the keyboard in a c++ file kdevelop crashed with SIGSERV(11). The german message at the top of the trace says that the stack frame can't be read because either kdevelop is compiled without support for backtracing or the stack frame is unusable because of the crash. KDevelop was running for 3 days without being shutdown. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eine korrekte Rückverfolgung ist nicht möglich. Wahrscheinlich sind die Dateien Ihres Systems in einer Weise erstellt worden, die eine solche Rückverfolgung (Backtrace) nicht erlaubt. Oder der so genannte "Stack Frame" für das Programm wurde durch den Absturz unbrauchbar gemacht. Using host libthread_db library "/lib/". [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread 16384 (LWP 450)] [New Thread 32769 (LWP 457)] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread 16384 (LWP 450)] [New Thread 32769 (LWP 457)] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread 16384 (LWP 450)] [New Thread 32769 (LWP 457)] [New Thread 16386 (LWP 458)] 0x419ed1fa in __libc_waitpid (pid=13730, stat_loc=0x0, options=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c:32 in ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c #0 0x419ed1fa in __libc_waitpid (pid=13730, stat_loc=0x0, options=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c:32 #1 0x40da1ab7 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () from /usr/lib/./ #2 0x419eb905 in __pthread_sighandler (signo=11, ctx= {gs = 0, __gsh = 0, fs = 0, __fsh = 0, es = 123, __esh = 0, ds = 123, __dsh = 0, edi = 141314928, esi = 1, ebp = 3221220888, esp = 3221220716, ebx = 1117146988, edx = 1114603792, ecx = 0, eax = 146401384, trapno = 14, err = 4, eip = 0, cs = 115, __csh = 0, eflags = 66118, esp_at_signal = 3221220716, ss = 123, __ssh = 0, fpstate = 0xbfffeaf0, oldmask = 2147483648, cr2 = 0}) at sighandler.c:38 #3 <signal handler called> #4 0x00000000 in ?? () #5 0x4291e5bb in QComboViewData::updateLinedGeometry () from /usr/lib/kde3/ #6 0x42922b4e in QComboView::setCurrentActiveItem () from /usr/lib/kde3/ #7 0x428eef21 in ClassViewPart::removeFile () from /usr/lib/kde3/ #8 0x428f03b3 in ClassViewPart::qt_invoke () from /usr/lib/kde3/ #9 0x4119f113 in QObject::activate_signal () from /usr/qt-x11-free-3.3.1/lib/ #10 0x4119f6d7 in QObject::activate_signal () from /usr/qt-x11-free-3.3.1/lib/ #11 0x080d9145 in KDevLanguageSupport::aboutToRemoveSourceInfo () #12 0x42542ee5 in CppSupportPart::removeWithReferences () from /usr/lib/kde3/ #13 0xbffff1b0 in ?? () #14 0x00000018 in ?? () #15 0x080c648a in QMapPrivate<QString, KSharedPtr<FileModel> >::find ()
I suspect this is the same problem as bug #71983
Never seen this problem appear and the code in question has since changed. Assuming fixed. Closing.