Version: 1.2.2 (using KDE 3.2.2, compiled sources) Compiler: gcc version 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-24) OS: Linux (i686) release When doing (in the pulldown menus): code -> import classes all data members with a namespace in front are not read in and are neither shown in the logical view on the left nor in the class diagram on the right. so: class blabla { string myString1; std::string myString2; } becomes: myString1 in umbrello. The other one is lost. First I thought this is a feature, but it can't be - I guess it is a bug.
I cannot reproduce this (unless I misunderstand.) I tried importing the following: namespace ns { class inner { public: char c; }; } class outer { public: ns::inner knownType; UnknownNs::UnknownClass unknownType; } and the attributes of ns::inner and outer are displayed as expected.
*** Bug has been marked as fixed ***.