Bug 75367 - opening a source file in editor crashes kdevelop (after an unexpected crash)
Summary: opening a source file in editor crashes kdevelop (after an unexpected crash)
Alias: None
Product: kdevelop
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 3.0.0b2
Platform: Debian stable Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KDevelop Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-02-16 17:17 UTC by Sinan KALKAN
Modified: 2004-02-16 17:35 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Sinan KALKAN 2004-02-16 17:17:59 UTC
Version:           3.0.0.b2 (using KDE KDE 3.2.0)
Installed from:    Debian stable Packages
OS:          Linux

Hi all, 

I had been working with 3.0.0.b2 for around a month when it suddenly crashed last week while I was writing (C++) code 
in a source file (The code was not strange at all). After this crash, kdevelop showed strange behaviours
and to get rid of the crashes, I removed project files (*.kdevelop etc) and important a new project 
from the source files. This helped for kdevelop to open successfully. I could be able to open this 
new project and navigate through the sourfiles using class-view. However, I am not able to open any 
existing or new file for editing. It crashes immediately (just gets stuck - does not produce segmentation

The OS is Debian and I am using QT 3.2.3.

I did my best to go through the bugs and find whether it had been reported before, but found none.

Comment 1 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2004-02-16 17:27:52 UTC
Without a backtrace this bugreport is useless :(

And dont you think it's time to update to KDevelop 3.0.1 ? :)
Comment 2 Sinan KALKAN 2004-02-16 17:32:45 UTC
I am not the administrator of the system and unable to produce a backtrace as the package is compiled without debugging.

Another stuff: 

- I deleted all kdev* files under ~/.kde, killed all kdevelop related processes, removed files under /tmp/kde-* /tmp/mcop-*, restarted the system => no help.

- The same sourcefiles can be opened by a user from another computer on the system. 

Comment 3 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2004-02-16 17:35:00 UTC
Please update and retest