File: *.docbook in kdeaddons/doc/kicker-plugins The directory listed above contains documentation for several kicker plugins. These all need proofreading and updating to the latest version of KDE (preferably CVS HEAD, but latest release version will do). If you wish to take up this todo, please contact to avoid duplicating effort.
Oops, directory name should be kdeaddons/doc/kicker-applets . My mistake.
Oops -- Wrong bug! I have not investigated this bug yet....
What is the status of this now? Seeing as Kicker is being replaced with Plasma. Should we leave this open or go ahead and close it since this documentation more than likely will not make it into 3.5.8.
Resolving - Wont Fix --------------------- Seeing as Plasma has replaced Kicker, this would no longer be a feasible task if it hasn't been completed already. If you believe this was closed by error, please reopen this report. Thank you.