Version: (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc 3.2.2 OS: Linux The "There's no makefile in this directory" popup invoked from Project/Build isn't too intelligent if the make command has the file argument set, say as in make -f Makefile.linux The "missing makefile" detection should look for "-f" argument to make and either take the name of the file from make's command line as specified in the Project/Build dialog. The check should either be removed, or fixed. Workaround: touch Makefile in correct directory, but that's really a long shot :)
This bug is related to bug 71594 which is invalid per se as the arguments to the make command *can* be set.
It might be simpler to add a field to Project Options/Build Option/Make for the name of the makefile. Then the missing makefile logic could be left alone and just modified to use the name given in the dialog. This would avoid the need for parsing the command line. The project I am working on uses 'make -f Makefile.linux' this makefile then uses a script to dynamically build 'Makefile'. The project is crossplatform so there are scripts for various platforms.
*** Bug 135197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
this is actually a wish not a bug.