Bug 71372 - noatun crashes on startup
Summary: noatun crashes on startup
Alias: None
Product: noatun
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Charles Samuels
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-12-28 17:28 UTC by Tristan Miller
Modified: 2004-03-15 17:29 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Tristan Miller 2003-12-28 17:28:42 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.1.4)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

Noatun crashes on startup:

[psy@port-3106 ~]$ noatun
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
WARNING: Couldn't instanciate artsobject Noatun::Session. (This is normally caused by a broken package or compiling kdemultimedia in a --prefix different from arts.  It may also be from two conflicting packages, so uninstall every arts/artsd package you have installed and try againe.
ERROR: Communication problem with noatun, it probably crashed.
[psy@port-3106 ~]$

Here is the backtrace:

(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...[New Thread 16384 (LWP 16268)]
(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
0x41a2da86 in waitpid () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#0  0x41a2da86 in waitpid () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x40c2c010 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#2  0x41a2c96c in __pthread_sighandler () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#3  <signal handler called>
#4  0x40063aac in Engine::initArts() () from /opt/kde3/lib/libnoatun.so.0
#5  0x40061bb6 in Engine::Engine(QObject*) () from /opt/kde3/lib/libnoatun.so.0
#6  0x4006a08b in Player::Player(QObject*) () from /opt/kde3/lib/libnoatun.so.0
#7  0x4006f37e in NoatunApp::NoatunApp() () from /opt/kde3/lib/libnoatun.so.0
#8  0x4001cd58 in main () from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/noatun.so
#9  0x41e8dd17 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#10 0x080486f1 in _start ()

Package was just installed a few minutes ago via the SuSE 9.0 RPMs.  I see from Bug #47781 that this may be due to a faulty installation.  Is this a problem with SuSE's RPMs, then?  There's nothing arts-related on my machine that hasn't been installed from the SuSE 9.0 RPMs; I haven't manually installed anything from source.

If this is due to a conflicting package, is there any way of finding out which one it is besides trial and error?
Comment 1 Stefan Gehn 2003-12-28 18:42:26 UTC
Try configuring artsd in kde control center and check out that "test sound" button.
Comment 2 Tristan Miller 2003-12-28 18:56:05 UTC
Subject: Re:  noatun crashes on startup


On Sunday 28 December 2003 18:42, you wrote:
> Try configuring artsd in kde control center and check out that "test
> sound" button.

No problems there -- I get the test sound.  All other applications which 
use sound are also working.  I just wanted to switch from XMMS to 
something with a more standardized user interface...

Comment 3 Tristan Miller 2004-03-15 17:29:06 UTC
I have upgraded to KDE 3.2.0 and the problem seems to be gone.