Bug 70556 - konsole becomes slow as time passes
Summary: konsole becomes slow as time passes
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2003-12-16 01:27 UTC by kde
Modified: 2005-02-16 14:48 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description kde 2003-12-16 01:27:15 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.1.94)
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources
Compiler:          gcc 3.3.2 
OS:          Linux

I tend to spend a lot of time coding and today I found that konsole's performance degrades significantly as time passes by. 

the problem seems to show up after about an hour of active text writing (in my case using the "jed" editor), haven't tested in other situations. konsole's scrolling becomes unberably slow. If I restart it, eveything goes back to normal (for another hour).

I don't know what other info I can give you on the matter, only that I usually have around 4-5 shells per konsole window.

I tried to see if it was a problem with the scroll buffer using the following shell script on a new konsole:

while `true`; do echo -n hello; done

but the shell was still usable after the buffer filled. seems to be dependent only on time :/

thanks for the great software.

Ricardo Ferreira
Comment 1 Stephan Binner 2003-12-17 10:16:18 UTC
You could tell what history settings you use and try a different type none/limited/unlimited.
Comment 2 kde 2003-12-20 18:39:58 UTC
sorry for the delay in the reply...

It was set at 1000 lines (the default?). disabling the history seems to "fix" it. (although I can hardly live without it :)

Ricardo Ferreira
Comment 3 Tom Cerul 2003-12-30 14:59:24 UTC
I have the exact same problem.  My history is also set to 1000 lines.  I'm running on LindowsOS (Debian).  

The stalled window doesn't show up on "top" and new windows work fine even if you don't close the stalled one.

I've gotten this behaivor even if nothing has been happening for several hours.  I think the conditions are buffer is full and time passes.  
Comment 4 Tom Cerul 2003-12-30 15:01:28 UTC
sorry forgot to mention... 

A second session inside the stalled window is also affected by the slow down.  
Comment 5 Leandro Piccilli 2004-05-05 21:22:00 UTC
I can confirm this too... after a time working with several tabs opening and closing they, the konsole becomes slow, especially during screen refresh.
It seems that the buffer is not emptied after close the tabs. 
Comment 6 kde 2004-05-16 11:37:22 UTC
I don't know what version of kde this last comment refered to, but at least for me the problem seems to have been fixed in recent versions. I'll mark the bug as resolved.
Comment 7 Steven Hugg 2005-02-16 14:48:27 UTC
I still have this behavior in KDE 3.3.2 (from Debian Testing). The most notable slowdown occurs with text/background colors are changed (like for example in alsamixer). I have to restart konsole once every few days to cure the problem.