Version: 3.0.0b1 (using KDE 3.1.4) Installed from: Gentoo Compiler: gcc version 3.2.3 20030422 (Gentoo Linux 1.4 3.2.3-r2, propolice) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.22-ac4 The class generator will not allow me to create class files that are in a subdirectory. It returns a dialogue that says 'class files will always be created in the active directory'. However, there does not seem to be a way to make, other than possibly changing the 'project directory' in project options. (I didn't try this out, but even if it works, this is fairly inconvenient when fleshing out a multi-directory project.) It also seems opposed to the 'New File' functionality in the left IDEA1 bar. This allows you to enter a directory path, which is better, but unfortunately, it always starts from the top directory, which means you must laboriously type in sub directories every time you create a file. It would be preferable, in my humble opinion, if the class generator allowed at least subdirectory entry. Preferably, the UI should remember the last path used as a hint for the next time a class is created. Even better if it also had a way to quickly enter the path to the currently active file.
Which build tool? In Autotools you can change the active directory with two mouse clicks!
Subject: Re: relative and absolute path names should be allowed in the class generator Custom project. I don't have the automake stuff included. Even if it is easy to do, it sounds like what you are saying is that certain features in kdevelop depend on this arbitrary concept of an 'active' directory, which must be changed before you can do operations in other directories. This seems sort of like the 'cd' model on command shells. Isn't this a bit of an outmoded concept for an advanced GUI to be constrained by? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE/uTq58XjOGQDr37YRAgxHAKCgBLi7+uM8LT/hVW+kPv8hZyXZRwCfQOMF O4bde0GkboDcLLYKqXaujJo= =qfyU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
I have just tried using the new class wizard after changing the 'project directory' in project options. This is apparently not what the class wizard means when it states that the files will be created in the 'active directory'. The files were still created at the top of the tree.
Regarding your comment #2: I use expensive and higly complex software to develop hardware, this software also has a concept of active subporject. Belive me the idea is not outdated the idea is good (tm) and works fine :) AFAIK some commits have been done that could fix this problem. Could you update and retest ?
Customproject allows to specify the active directory by RMB menu in file selector or file tree. There is a "Make Active Directory" menu entry. Class wizard works fine with that.
Try Alexander's recomendations (comment #5).
Subject: Re: relative and absolute path names should be allowed in the class generator > I use expensive and higly complex software to develop hardware, this > software also has a concept of active subporject. Belive me the idea is not > outdated the idea is good (tm) and works fine :) AFAIK some commits have > been done that could fix this problem. Could you update and retest ? I'll reserve judgement on the idea itself until you guys are done implementing. (No sense in critiqueing a half baked cake. ;-)) I could see where it would be convenient if the program defaulted most directory settings to some 'current' directory that could be changed. However, assuming that this is the right way to go: Why lock the user into this usage path, forcing them to change the current directory by backing out of the window, changing the directory and starting again? Assuming that a current directory model is the best way to go, there ought to be a way to enter a different path that works tempararily for the function of the window/ dialogue that you are in, much like entering a path in your average command shell. There should also be a way to change the current directory permanently from inside each of these 'locked in' dialogues. And if this exists, why not treat it like Windoze does and just have it stick to the last directory used, rather than forcing an extra mouse click every time? Bob -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE/wnI78XjOGQDr37YRAqJwAJ9bj98RfFM4PNJE8yjhU2CEiXpO5wCcC18m Ss6CWvGzg2saUVCUj/H9/DQ= =lmLU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
OK, you have a point here. Reopening your wish.
I don't see an obvious way to do this with a qmake project. It doesn't even display the subdirectories.
This one is fixed in 3.4 svn.