Version: cvs 20031114 (using KDE KDE 3.1.4) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux It has an error in line 6 of the file kdevelop/languages/cpp/app_templates/kofficepart/ : lib$APPNAME$part_la_SOURCES = $APPNAMELC$_part.cpp \ The macro $APPNAME must be $APPNAMELC because, for example, when I try to create one kofficepart called "Kantata", in the resultant kdevelop generates a missed line, as (lines 6, 7 and 8): libKantatapart_la_SOURCES = kantata_factory.cpp kantata_part.cpp kantata_view.cpp libkantatapart_la_LDFLAGS = $(KDE_PLUGIN) libkantatapart_la_LIBADD = -lkofficeui where in line 6 (first line in example) libKantatapart_la_SOURCES with the K" in uper case, it generates an error when automake and autoconf are executed. Then, to correct this, line 6 of the file kdevelop/languages/cpp/app_templates/kofficepart/ must be: lib$APPNAMELC$part_la_SOURCES = $APPNAMELC$_part.cpp \ []s Huberto
Committed. Thanks for the report!