Version: (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Hi, i just compiled kdevelop head, and it looks quite cool. but i got quite used to the vertical tabs on the left side in ideal mode, "File Tree", "Classes" and so on. the tabs all had their purpose written on them. in the actual version they got replaced by icons. at least these buttons are missing tooltips as the ones on the bottom of the window have, for example "Messages", "Application" and so on. i would really like if the old behaviour could be chosen in the settings, as there is enough space on screen for me to display the strings, they need less space for me, as they are not as high as icons, and so they save space for me. the icons are quite unintuitive for me, as they don't show what they are. so when i want to learn the new icons i will end up having to remember that the most left button is for the messages window, the "classes" icon in no way gives any association to the class view, and so on. but on the other hand i have no idea how better icons should look like. so please make it configurable, if i would like to see : - only the icons on all tabs - icons on all inactive tabs and icon and text on the active tab - only text on all tabs this should apply to the left and bottom "tab bar" or whatever its name is. also the bottom tab bar should not jump up and down depending on if a tab is active or not: for me when the messages tab is open, the tab bar is where it should be. when i click on messages to close it, the whole bar jumps about 7 pixels to the top, for no reason. it should stay on the bottom, as it was before. thanks, Holger
Having this configuration available on right-click as with toolbars would be great too, thanks.
We are in string freeze period, so we can not add a GUI to change the configuration options. But Alexander Dymo granted part of you wish :) Add: MDIStyle=1 to the [UI] section of your kdeveloprc file.