Version: Unbekannt (using KDE 3.1.93 (CVS >= 20031028), compiled sources) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.1 OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.23-pre7 This bug is probably in the wrong group, but I don't know where to send it elsewhere. I want to open always ogg files with xmms. It works the first time, when it's actually selected. Next times, KDE doesn't know anymore about this new binding. The same action with wav files is working fine.
xmms has nothing to do with noatun and mimetype settings lost sounds like a kdelibs bug.
Hi Andreas, to assign a mimetype to a program just do the following steps: - rightclick on an ogg file - Open With -> Other... - enter the app you want use for this mimetype - check 'Remember application assocciation for this file type' - click 'Ok' That works quite fine here and I use xmms for all sound files
Subject: Re: can't always open an ogg file with xmms It should work like this (as I allready wrote, it works for wav-files, but not for ogg-files), but it doesn't for me. So there must be a bug somewhere.
See comment above.
audio/vorbis have been added as a supported mime-type for xmms in CVS. (I tried to CC this bug in the commit, but it failed).
Can't reproduce in KDE 3.2.2