Version: (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Using an eject icon for playlist is not at all intuitive. This is trying to too closely resemble a physical music player. A general list icon would a suitable replacement.
which userinterface plugin does this refer to?
Excellent. Also Simple and Milk Chocolate.
Comment from MISSING_ICON in kdelibs: Icon name: noatunplaylist Purpose: Playlist icon for Noatun (in kdemultimedia) Program: noatun Requester: Stefan Gehn <> Details: Replacement needed for Noatun main context-menu and toolbar, currently using an eject icon and got a bugreport for that (#66652) Urgency: High, The current icon is confusing and reminds users of actually opening files /Frans
waiting for the artists to get around to it. I'd hardly consider this to be "major." Does count as a UI flaw.
We've got a new one that looks like a playlist, no more eject-icon for playlist except for interfaces that don't use the standard-icons.