Bug 65514 - ctrl-shift-i doesn't unindent, it does nothing
Summary: ctrl-shift-i doesn't unindent, it does nothing
Alias: None
Product: kdelibs
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: SVN
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Ellis Whitehead
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Reported: 2003-10-05 00:34 UTC by Bart Verwilst
Modified: 2003-11-02 13:19 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Bart Verwilst 2003-10-05 00:34:10 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.1.92)
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources
OS:          Linux

Normally ctrl-shift-I should unindent my selection, but nothing happens.. I'm editing c++ files..

Thanks in advance!
Comment 1 Jens Dagerbo 2003-10-05 12:10:37 UTC
The default editor part in KDevelop-3 is katepart, unless you have changed to QEditor, 
please check if it works in standalone kwrite/kate. 
If it doesn't, the bug is in katepart. If it does, we have screwed up the shortcuts 
Comment 2 Bernd Pol 2003-10-05 14:13:35 UTC
I cannot confirm here. It works for me in katepart, SuSE 8.2, KDE 3.1.4, CVS 
of 2003-10-04. 
Bernd Pol 
Comment 3 Bart Verwilst 2003-10-05 15:19:57 UTC
Hm, well in kate itself, it doesn't work either.. ctrl - i works fine, but as soon as i add the shift, 
nothing happens.. Anything i can do to make the cause of this more clear? 
Comment 4 Jens Dagerbo 2003-10-06 08:09:47 UTC
It does work on my system ( 1+ week old kdelibs from HEAD) but I assume it is a 
problem in kate on your system. I'm reassigning to Kate and let them close it. 
Comment 5 Christoph Cullmann 2003-10-08 16:27:51 UTC
it really doesn't work here, don't understand why, the shortcut for the action is there, if 
you change it to say ctrl - shift - h it even works, but not with it's default value, search 
for duplicates, found none :/ 
could somebody more close to the kaction developement could take a look, that seems 
to be some kdeui bug, have not changed that part of the kate code since weeks 
Comment 6 Stephan Kulow 2003-10-14 11:29:41 UTC
another key problem 
Comment 7 Tobias Koenig 2003-11-02 13:19:17 UTC

the Ctrl+Shift+I shortcut works fine here with current CVS HEAD + Qt3.2