Version: (using KDE KDE 3.1.92) Installed from: Compiled From Sources OS: Linux Normally ctrl-shift-I should unindent my selection, but nothing happens.. I'm editing c++ files.. Thanks in advance!
The default editor part in KDevelop-3 is katepart, unless you have changed to QEditor, please check if it works in standalone kwrite/kate. If it doesn't, the bug is in katepart. If it does, we have screwed up the shortcuts somehow...
I cannot confirm here. It works for me in katepart, SuSE 8.2, KDE 3.1.4, CVS of 2003-10-04. Bernd Pol
Hm, well in kate itself, it doesn't work either.. ctrl - i works fine, but as soon as i add the shift, nothing happens.. Anything i can do to make the cause of this more clear? Thanks!
It does work on my system ( 1+ week old kdelibs from HEAD) but I assume it is a problem in kate on your system. I'm reassigning to Kate and let them close it.
it really doesn't work here, don't understand why, the shortcut for the action is there, if you change it to say ctrl - shift - h it even works, but not with it's default value, search for duplicates, found none :/ could somebody more close to the kaction developement could take a look, that seems to be some kdeui bug, have not changed that part of the kate code since weeks
another key problem
Hi, the Ctrl+Shift+I shortcut works fine here with current CVS HEAD + Qt3.2