Bug 65046 - plots should have option to show a legend
Summary: plots should have option to show a legend
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.x
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kst
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Reported: 2003-09-27 19:10 UTC by Matthew Truch
Modified: 2004-01-07 21:49 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Matthew Truch 2003-09-27 19:10:09 UTC
Version:           0.93-devel (using KDE KDE 3.1)
Installed from:    RedHat RPMs

There should be an option to generate a (customizable) legend associated with a plot.  It should include text (by default the name of the curve, or perhaps y-vector) and a curve indicator, which has the same color and style as the curve (line or dots, color, etc).
Comment 1 George Staikos 2003-10-02 07:29:09 UTC
Do you want this to be: 
- printed when the curve is printed? 
- rendered on the canvas with the curve? 
- displayed as a tooltip when hovering? 
- displayed in a separate dialog? 
- other? 
Comment 2 Matthew Truch 2003-10-08 01:31:33 UTC
I was thinking that it should be rendered on the canvas. Of course, it would be
an option, like on the label tab, which should probably be off by default. 
Perhaps a type of "arbitrarily placeable label" which can be auto-generated, and
also modified as such.  
Comment 3 George Staikos 2003-10-08 07:56:23 UTC
Subject: Re: [Kst]   plots should have option to show a legend

On Tuesday 07 October 2003 19:31, Matthew Truch wrote:
> ------- Additional Comments From matt@truch.net  2003-10-08 01:31 -------
> I was thinking that it should be rendered on the canvas. Of course, it
> would be an option, like on the label tab, which should probably be off by
> default. Perhaps a type of "arbitrarily placeable label" which can be
> auto-generated, and also modified as such.

  I think the soluton then is to make a KstLabel base class and have 
KstTextLabel, KstLegendLabel, etc inheritted classes.  The base class would 
handle dragging and other basics, and the inheritting classes would draw the 
specific contents.

Comment 4 George Staikos 2004-01-07 21:49:04 UTC
Implemented by Andrew.