Version: CVS current (using KDE KDE 3.1.2) Compiler: g++ (GCC) 3.3 20030226 OS: Linux The current CVS version of umbrello loads sequence diagrams almost correct - thanks. But the life line of objects/classes is not reloaded correctly. I have to change the position of one of the existing message arrows, so that the life line of the connected object is resized - they have the default size. Interesting: + Even if I relocate one of the upper messages, the life line is resized to fit to the lowest message. I can't provide a description to reproduce or an example, as I don't manage to save and reload an example. I get on reload of a new (generated from scratch with current CVS) project the following debug-error-messages on konsole: ----------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: failed load on listview WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) \x08 Major opcode: * ----------------------------------------------------------- Maybe this problem depends on my configuration: KDE 3.1.2; QT 3.1.1 my kdesdk checkout was created before the switch to QT 3.2 -> I call "cvs upate" in the umbrello subdir -> I performed "make distclean", "make -f Makefile.cvs", ...
Created attachment 2545 [details] Simple example project for bug report This simple example project file demonstrates the problem with the sequence diagram lifelines which aren't resized correctly on save/reload. I suspect, that the load XMI method doesn't handle the length information of the lifelines.
Fixed in CVS. Please verify.
FINE! The lifelines in my old project files are reloaded correct again. PLEASE continue to keep umbrello CVS compatible with KDE 3.1 for compile. BTW: The crash on project load, which I reported on 23. Sept 2003, is resolved in current CVS.