Bug 63641 - command 'quit' to gdb crashes Gideon
Summary: command 'quit' to gdb crashes Gideon
Alias: None
Product: kdevelop
Classification: Applications
Component: CPP Debugger (show other bugs)
Version: git master
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KDevelop Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-09-03 05:09 UTC by Jon Smirl
Modified: 2003-12-17 08:25 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Jon Smirl 2003-09-03 05:09:46 UTC
Version:           CVS (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

Set a non-existent file for the project executable.
start debugger
this will cause GDB to open 
enter 'quit'

[New Thread 1099832928 (LWP 16152)]
[New Thread 1118174512 (LWP 16165)]
0xffffe410 in ?? ()
#0  0xffffe410 in ?? ()
#1  0x40c558ad in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#2  <signal handler called>
#3  0xffffe410 in ?? ()
#4  0x42028b93 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#5  0x40bd736b in kdbgstream::~kdbgstream() ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#6  0x42b8779c in GDBDebugger::GDBController::slotUserGDBCmd(QString const&) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/libkdevdebugger.so
#7  0x42b88a31 in GDBDebugger::GDBController::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/libkdevdebugger.so
#8  0x40fefdf9 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#9  0x40ff0298 in QObject::activate_signal(int, QString) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#10 0x42ba045d in GDBDebugger::GDBOutputWidget::userGDBCmd(QString const&) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/libkdevdebugger.so
#11 0x42ba02aa in GDBDebugger::GDBOutputWidget::slotGDBCmd() ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/libkdevdebugger.so
#12 0x42ba0516 in GDBDebugger::GDBOutputWidget::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/libkdevdebugger.so
#13 0x40fefdf9 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#14 0x40fefbf9 in QObject::activate_signal(int) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#15 0x40a75068 in KComboBox::returnPressed() ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#16 0x40a754f0 in KComboBox::qt_emit(int, QUObject*) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#17 0x40a758fc in KHistoryCombo::qt_emit(int, QUObject*) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#18 0x40fefda5 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#19 0x40fefbf9 in QObject::activate_signal(int) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#20 0x4130e946 in QLineEdit::returnPressed() ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#21 0x410b0983 in QLineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#22 0x409ec7db in KLineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#23 0x410247f7 in QWidget::event(QEvent*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#24 0x410af9f0 in QLineEdit::event(QEvent*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#25 0x40f947d9 in QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#26 0x40f94319 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#27 0x40bc186c in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#28 0x40f2ff40 in QETWidget::translateKeyEvent(_XEvent const*, bool) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#29 0x40f2bfa0 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent(_XEvent*) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#30 0x40f41d9b in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#31 0x40fa7b2f in QEventLoop::enterLoop() ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#32 0x40fa79ec in QEventLoop::exec() ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#33 0x40f94a34 in QApplication::exec() ()
   from /home/kde3src/qt-copy/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#34 0x08067443 in main ()
#35 0x420156a4 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
Comment 1 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-09-03 09:48:10 UTC
Thanks for all the bug reports Jon. 
Comment 2 Jens Dagerbo 2003-12-17 07:28:17 UTC
I've tried this back and forth but I cannot reproduce it. No crash here.
Comment 3 Jon Smirl 2003-12-17 08:09:12 UTC
Crash seems to be gone here too.

Why does debugger stay open when file doesn't exisit? Shouldn't it close automatically.
Comment 4 Jens Dagerbo 2003-12-17 08:25:48 UTC
Good question. IIRC, jbb had an answer, but I don't remember it.. :)