Bug 62608 - kdevelop website should be updated
Summary: kdevelop website should be updated
Alias: None
Product: kdevelop
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: HI wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KDevelop Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-08-13 18:29 UTC by tnagy
Modified: 2004-11-21 04:34 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description tnagy 2003-08-13 18:29:43 UTC
Version:           cvs 200308013 (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources
Compiler:          gcc 3.2.2 
OS:          Linux

The kdevelop website looks quite old, and the documentation is not quite up-to-date.

Gideon has become quite stable these times some volunteers have written tutorials and documentation. It is now important that these documents are made available to everybody.

I suggest to give write permissions to someone who is often on IRC (amilcar, teatime) and who is likely to keep the website on the bleeding edge ;-)
Comment 1 Stephan Binner 2003-08-13 19:18:56 UTC
That doesn't sound like a feature request, more like something for the mailing 
Comment 2 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-08-14 10:09:10 UTC
This should not be closed until the whish is granted! 
This has been discussed many times on the mailing list and on the IRC, still 
no action has been taken. Mostly because the people that have write 
permissions don't have time and/or interest on updating the site and the 
people that do care, don't have write permissions. 
Comment 3 Mario Scalas 2003-08-14 15:14:38 UTC
I agree: the topic has been discussed on the mailing list several times but nothing has 
changed. Hope that someone will listen to this because the website's state and 
maintenance is a bit unknown to me (is part of the KDE? sponsored? (by which?) 
Privately owned? And the questions like these ...). 
Comment 4 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-08-15 11:22:06 UTC
Here is the answer from Falk Brettschneider: 
The last people who've made changes to the website were Caleb Tennis, Harry 
F. and me. Seems none of them has the time for maintaining currently, 
including me. :-( 
The web server is the university of Potsdam in Germany (the uni where 
Ex-KDeveloper Bernd Gehrmann, Ralf Funken and Sandy Meier came from). Sandy 
Meier is 
still the owner and root user of the website files location, but he's been 
99,9% inactive since 2 or 3 years. On demand, he only gives website access 
accounts to new KDevelop team members who also want to maintain the website. 
Just contact him by email (See CC of this mail). Every work on that server is 
based on unsolicited work. 
The website itself is accessed and changed via cvs file management. So Sandy 
will give you a cvs user account to that server. The file structure on the 
server is the same as the structure in the internet. the layout is programmed 
in PHP, e.g. a half year ago I changed the layout from classic KDevelop style 
to the light blue KDE-layout-feeling. 
The website is a multi-language one, where English is default. To support a 
new different language than English, one just need to copy the English 
sub tree to a certain new subdir for that language and to translate all 
strings of 
the PHP and HTML files. Usually, there's one maintainer registered for each 
language, in reality, currently, only French, Russian and German is maintained 
by certain people (annma, me and adymo). It must be checked which currently 
inactive translators should be unregistered and replaced with a new volunteer 
for that language. 
The common mechanism for changing the content of a page of www.kdevelop.org 
is to first change the English version of the web page file. Next midnight 
all registered translators will get an email with a notification about the 
changed files with the plea to translate the appropriate language-specific 
Now they can cvs-update, translate the changed files and commit back. All 
translators also have access to the original English version. 
All cvs commits to the website repository will be online with the next full 
hour. A permanently running background process on the web server always 
synchronizes the website with the cvs repository, automatically. As extra 
the ChangeLog of the kdevelop source code repository is shown on the main web 
page, also synchronized with every full hour. 
If you want to join to that current mechanism, say you want to become a 
maintainer for the main contents (English) or just a translator for a certain 
language (passively translating what the English guys are changing), just get 
the account (by Sandy). Total redesigns and big changes to the website have 
first to be discussed with the other KDevelop developers on the mailing-list, 
but usually, it will be suppressed because the current mechanism is so cool 
that it must not be changed. :-P 
Hope, that helps 
Comment 5 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-08-20 10:08:46 UTC
I've got write permissions and I did some updates.
Stay tuned, more changes to come!
If you have some docs, screeshots, tutorials, ideas, fotos... send them to me.
Comment 6 tnagy 2003-11-23 03:04:54 UTC
*** Bug has been marked as fixed ***.
Comment 7 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-11-23 13:32:39 UTC
NO, the bug is not fixed! I've been updating thge site. It's not done yet!
Comment 8 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-11-24 11:59:20 UTC
OK, this time I'm happy!

We have:
-Updated pages
-Moved and concentrated old KDevelop 2.x info in a single webpage.
-Information on the bottom of every page informing when that page was last updated.
-A nice change log for every release PLUS a link to the solved bugs at bugzilla database.
-Automaticaly updated API documentation (cross linked with KDElibs, Qt and bugzilla)
-Automaticaly updated User Manual.
-Some more tutorials.
-Much improved requirements page (links to where to get the software).
-Much improved TODO and current status (programing languages, editor support) as a side effect of the doxygen API documentation.
-Added a way to browse the code (lxr)