Bug 60067 - Automake, configure, make, install dependancies
Summary: Automake, configure, make, install dependancies
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 60191
Alias: None
Product: kdevelop
Classification: Applications
Component: Build tools: Automake (show other bugs)
Version: git master
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KDevelop Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-06-19 15:46 UTC by Sphere
Modified: 2003-06-21 16:59 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sphere 2003-06-19 15:46:53 UTC
Version:           CVS (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources
OS:          Linux

Gideon should keep track of where you are in the build process and ask
you if, for instance, you've done an automake but not a configure before
it runs the program.  Basically, the programmer needs to know which
version of their code they are actually running -- and be reminded if they've
missed a step.

Comment 1 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-06-19 16:01:45 UTC
AFAIK this is the current situation. 
Comment 2 Sphere 2003-06-19 17:09:22 UTC
I disagree.
Comment 3 Sphere 2003-06-19 17:09:35 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>a.lucas@tu-bs.de changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
>             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
>          Component|general                     |autoproject
>         Resolution|                            |INVALID
>------- Additional Comments From a.lucas@tu-bs.de  2003-06-19 16:01 -------
>AFAIK this is the current situation.
If that were correct then when I built a test project and tried to run it
without installing it first I would have been told that I hadn't 
installed it.

The fact that installing it is an absolutely rotten idea which makes Gideon
effectively unusable is a separate bug.


Comment 4 Thiago Macieira 2003-06-19 18:52:31 UTC
The necessity of installation is totally independent of KDevelop/Gideon. It's a 
requirement of the KDE build system (the admin/ directory) for any complex 
application -- i.e., one that uses .desktop files or installs icons. Most simple 
applications can get away with not installing. 
If you want that to change, the admin/ directory structure would have to change. 
Comment 5 Jonas Jacobi 2003-06-19 19:26:57 UTC
>If that were correct then when I built a test project and tried to run it  
> without installing it first I would have been told that I hadn't  
> installed it.  
I assume you are alluding to your kpart and my hint to install it. There is the necessity 
to install it (at least afaik), 'cause the klibloader searches for the kpartlib in the kde/lib 
directory (maybe there is a way to provide other paths to it). For convenience during 
development of a kpart, just symlink the kpartlib(no need for the "shell"-binary) to your 
project path, so you don't have to install every time. Maybe there are nicer solutions, 
that's just the way i do it. 
Comment 6 Sphere 2003-06-19 21:24:44 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Thiago Macieira wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From thiagom@mail.com  2003-06-19 18:52 -------
>The necessity of installation is totally independent of KDevelop/Gideon. It's a 
>requirement of the KDE build system (the admin/ directory) for any complex 
>application -- i.e., one that uses .desktop files or installs icons. Most simple 
>applications can get away with not installing. 
>If you want that to change, the admin/ directory structure would have to change.
In that case the admin/ directory structure has to change.  If KDE can't 
a multi-user environment then it will never gain significant market share.

I guess I can go back to using Windows 2000 and forget about Linux.  It
looks like it'll never make it in the real world.


Comment 7 Sphere 2003-06-19 21:43:06 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Jonas Jacobi wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From j.jacobi@gmx.de  2003-06-19 19:26 -------
>>If that were correct then when I built a test project and tried to run it  
>>without installing it first I would have been told that I hadn't  
>>installed it.  
>I assume you are alluding to your kpart and my hint to install it. There is the necessity 
>to install it (at least afaik), 'cause the klibloader searches for the kpartlib in the kde/lib 
>directory (maybe there is a way to provide other paths to it). For convenience during 
>development of a kpart, just symlink the kpartlib(no need for the "shell"-binary) to your 
>project path, so you don't have to install every time. Maybe there are nicer solutions, 
>that's just the way i do it. 
The problem with that is that it pollutes the file space.  It's putting
work-in-progress into the production area which is the problem.
If you've got a couple of thousand employees and you have to keep
their data backed up every night you're going to keep their files on
a fileserver, not their PC.  That means that everyone will be using
the same copy of KDE, and the same directory tree.  You're proposing
that the programmers install their toys into the same KDE the
secretaries are using.  (And just how many programs named "test"
are there in the world anyway?)

Comment 8 Maksim Orlovich 2003-06-19 21:46:06 UTC
There is no need for make install to install globaly. All you have to do is 
create a test tree in ~, and export KDEDIRS=/global/kde/dir:/home/user/testdir, 
and then configure with --prefix=/home/user/testdir when developing

Comment 9 Jonas Jacobi 2003-06-19 22:07:07 UTC
I just took a look at KLibLoader. Imho it should even be enough to add your needed 
path to the kde library paths, to have the stuff loaded. No need to install it. 
(btw. better don't start comparing of multi user capabilities of any windows with unices 
;) ) 
Comment 10 Sphere 2003-06-19 22:19:42 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Jonas Jacobi wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From j.jacobi@gmx.de  2003-06-19 19:26 -------
>>If that were correct then when I built a test project and tried to run it  
>>without installing it first I would have been told that I hadn't  
>>installed it.  
>I assume you are alluding to your kpart and my hint to install it. There is the necessity 
>to install it (at least afaik), 'cause the klibloader searches for the kpartlib in the kde/lib 
>directory (maybe there is a way to provide other paths to it). For convenience during 
>development of a kpart, just symlink the kpartlib(no need for the "shell"-binary) to your 
>project path, so you don't have to install every time. Maybe there are nicer solutions, 
>that's just the way i do it. 

My reading of KLibLoader is that it only searches if the name is not
an absolute filename.  It also only appends ".la" if the library name
doesn't have an extension.

See kdelibs/kdecore/klibloader.cpp

Comment 11 John Birch 2003-06-19 22:21:40 UTC
Debugging into a KParts part is currently a problem. The workaround at the 
moment is to install the part. This is because the KPart library is dlopen'ed 
and kde searches only in the installed area for the part. I'm had a short 
conversation with Simon H. about this and we concluded that a small change may 
be required to KLibLoader but at that stage nothing more happened. It could 
well be that these days the amending the KDELIBS path could be a solution. 
For other dynamically loaded libraries libtool sets the environment correctly 
so the library does not need to be loaded. 
Comment 12 Sphere 2003-06-19 22:55:23 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Maksim Orlovich wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From mo002j@mail.rochester.edu  2003-06-19 21:46 -------
>There is no need for make install to install globaly. All you have to do is 
>create a test tree in ~, and export KDEDIRS=/global/kde/dir:/home/user/testdir, 
>and then configure with --prefix=/home/user/testdir when developing
That makes much more sense to me.  Thank you very much.


Comment 13 Sphere 2003-06-19 23:25:53 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Jonas Jacobi wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From j.jacobi@gmx.de  2003-06-19 22:07 -------
>I just took a look at KLibLoader. Imho it should even be enough to add your needed 
>path to the kde library paths, to have the stuff loaded. No need to install it. 
>(btw. better don't start comparing of multi user capabilities of any windows with unices 
>;) ) 
Windoze sucks when it comes to multi user capabilities, but VC++ is well

Generally, the production filesystem is done on a unix server and is backed
up nightly.  The local Windoze filesystem is only used for the user's
personal crap.  (Unless, of course, the sys admin has been brainwashed
into trying to use Windoze as a server farm...)  Microsloth hasn't made it
easy to run executables off a unix fileserver, but it can be set up.

Comment 14 Sphere 2003-06-20 14:58:49 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

John Birch wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From jbb@kdevelop.org  2003-06-19 22:21 -------
>Debugging into a KParts part is currently a problem. The workaround at the 
>moment is to install the part. This is because the KPart library is dlopen'ed 
>and kde searches only in the installed area for the part. I'm had a short 
>conversation with Simon H. about this and we concluded that a small change may 
>be required to KLibLoader but at that stage nothing more happened. It could 
>well be that these days the amending the KDELIBS path could be a solution. 
>For other dynamically loaded libraries libtool sets the environment correctly 
>so the library does not need to be loaded.
I didn't follow the path completely, but it looked to me that KInstance 
provide a way to update _dirs.  I also didn't hunt down kdevelop's handling
of starting a program.

Comment 15 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-06-20 15:43:27 UTC
I sent this to the list, but then I remembered that you're not subscribed 
- Do a CVS update on Gideon. 
- Compile and install it. 
- Start it and create a new  C++/ KDE application framework. 
- Read the readme file contained in the src directory. 
PS: When you reply to a bug, please please no _not_ quote the provious answer. 
Comment 16 Sphere 2003-06-20 17:45:01 UTC
Subject: Re:  Automake, configure, make, install dependancies

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From a.lucas@tu-bs.de  2003-06-20 15:43 -------
>I sent this to the list, but then I remembered that you're not subscribed 
>- Do a CVS update on Gideon. 
>- Compile and install it. 
>- Start it and create a new  C++/ KDE application framework. 
>- Read the readme file contained in the src directory. 
>PS: When you reply to a bug, please please no _not_ quote the provious answer.

On The CVS update of Gideon issue:  I'm busy trying to get a clean
build of KDE, but I updated Gideon yesterday within my current test

Comment 17 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas 2003-06-21 16:59:05 UTC
This has evolved into bugs: 

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 60191 ***