Version: CVS (using KDE KDE 3.1.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages Current behaviour: The project options include only "Run the application in the app dir" checkbox. Expected behaviour: Allow to enter a custom directory to run the app in. Application dir: ( ) Default ( ) Custom: [ new app dir ]
I like you idea! I had it myself a while ago. :)
Subject: kdevelop/lib/project CVS commit by aclu: Allow the user to select a custom directory to run the executable from. BR#60055 Fix a browse buttom problem. BR#60669 CCMAIL: CCMAIL: M +49 -26 runoptionswidget.cpp 1.17 M +2 -0 runoptionswidget.h 1.8
The commit that fixed this bug completely was posted on I CCMAIL'ed it here but because the bug was already closed it did'n got posted here :(