Bug 60008 - building a new project
Summary: building a new project
Alias: None
Product: kdevelop
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KDevelop Developers
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Reported: 2003-06-18 19:46 UTC by Sphere
Modified: 2003-06-19 04:19 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Sphere 2003-06-18 19:46:23 UTC
Version:            (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

New projects are by definition being debugged and should be built that way.

Also, figuring out how to walk though a new project is less than obvious to a new convert.  I learn better by walking through the code with the computer than by having someone make up stories about the code, and kdevelop doesn't provide enough support for doing a walk-through of an execution.
Comment 1 John Birch 2003-06-18 21:51:54 UTC
I've already changed the C++ App template to default to a debug version a 
couple of weeks ago. The other projects are awaiting changes. Any patches that 
does this would be applied immediately. 
What version of kdevelop are you using? I strongly recommend that you update to 
the latest version using cvs. 
The walkthrough is a separate issue, although I'm not sure what you are really 
asking for as it's a bit vague. Could you give an example of how you see this 
Comment 2 Sphere 2003-06-18 22:14:07 UTC
Subject: Re:  building a new project

John Birch wrote:

>------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
>You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
>------- Additional Comments From jbb@kdevelop.org  2003-06-18 21:51 -------
>I've already changed the C++ App template to default to a debug version a 
>couple of weeks ago. The other projects are awaiting changes. Any patches that 
>does this would be applied immediately. 
>What version of kdevelop are you using? I strongly recommend that you update to 
>the latest version using cvs. 
>The walkthrough is a separate issue, although I'm not sure what you are really 
>asking for as it's a bit vague. Could you give an example of how you see this 


I've a gideon built from the cvs tree a few days ago and an older 
kdevelop from debian
testing.  I haven't been able to build a test in the older one, but I 
think that's
because the version of qt I found is too new. (I haven't really persued 
the matter

I'm still trying to figure out how to get a somewhat maintainable cvs 
of kde together.  (It takes a long time to build...)  The first script I 
found eventually
gave me something to work with, but it didn't seem suitable for setting 
up a weekly
cron job to rebuild kde.  The second one shows more promise, but I'm still
working my way though it -- and some of the side issues.

At least the cvs gideon built something, but I've still got lib path 
issues (I think).
Some of my wishes are prompted by the fact that I can't wander through 
the code
and find out exactly what it is trying to load.

As far as "walk through" is concerned.  I want to be able to put a piece 
of code I'm
new to into the debugger and "walk though" the source code as it's 
running, so I
usually start out with a breakpoint at the main() entry point and step 
into interesting
constructors and the like.  What with events happening and all you 
generally have
to keep moving your breakpoints deeper into the code.  Of course, in 
order to be
able to do this you can't have the debugger deciding to thow up its' 
hands in failure
when you want to enter the qt lib (or such).

Comment 3 Sphere 2003-06-19 04:19:22 UTC
-ggdb now shows up in the flags of my newly created test project. 
Thanks again John -- even if you fixed it before I asked.  ;)