Bug 59565 - slots for learning progress
Summary: slots for learning progress
Alias: None
Product: kwordquiz
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Peter Hedlund
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Reported: 2003-06-09 18:43 UTC by Thomas Christen
Modified: 2006-08-14 13:58 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Thomas Christen 2003-06-09 18:43:05 UTC
Version:           1.0 (using KDE 3.1.1)
Installed from:    SuSE
Compiler:          gcc version 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)
OS:          Linux (i686) release 2.4.20-4GB-athlon

It should be possible to have several slots which show the current learning process.

Example (flashcards mode)
All cards are in slot 1. Giving a correct answer to a question, just press the "correct" button. The card will then move to slot no. 2. If the answer is wrong, the card stays in slot nr 1.
Doing the cards in slot number 2, the correct answered cards go to slot no. 3. the wrong ones always go back to slot no 1 - unimportant what slot they are in.

There should be a user defined count of slots. After the card is answered correct in the last slot, it would just move in a "done" slot.

There is no need to always have all the cards in one slot to start with them. So, the user can chose himself where he wants to start...

This would require a "correct" and "wrong button", The slots could be realised with a tab system at the top. The quantity of tabs should be user defined.

I hope you understand what I am talking about... if not, just ask  :-)
Comment 1 Sander Devrieze 2004-05-13 15:08:14 UTC
Yes, flashcard isn't usable for me in the state it's now. Look at Pauker and memaid to see what I mean ;)


Additionally it would be nice if flashcard can import my wordlists (with 1000 cards in it) I made with Pauker (and memaid). But even better would be if the memaid project, the Pauker project,... and of course the kde-edu project went to freedesktop.org for some standardisation to make cardfiles shareable between software...maybe some extension for RFC 2229 ( ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2229.txt ) so that the cards also can be used in e.g. dict_bot (a Jabber bot to search into dictionaries). I already thaught about this and put it on a wiki (in Dutch). See http://openstandaarden.be/wiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KaartenbakEnWoordenboekSoftwareBestandsformaat

ps: I know I should have done a separated bug report for this :D
Comment 2 Peter Hedlund 2004-06-18 19:15:39 UTC
FlashKard has been replaced by KWordQuiz. Pauker import is available in KWordQuiz.