Version: (using KDE KDE 3.1.1) Installed from: Gentoo Packages like it is implemented in gnome-terminal...: if i only have one session started in a konsole, then the toolbar is not needed because there is no other session to switch to. but when i create a new session ( for example using a keyboard shortcut ), then the toolbar should be shown, because now there are 2 session which i want to manage... and if i close one of the two sessions, the toolbar should vanish. basically: -hide the toolbar when i start konsole. -if i create/close a session in the konsole: -if the new number of the sessions is: 1: hide the toolbar 2 or more: show the toolbar of course this doesn't have to be the default behaviour, it's enough if i can turn it on if i want... something like 'dynamic toolbar' maybe?
> then the toolbar is not needed because there is no other session to switch to. It also allows you to start new sessions.
>> then the toolbar is not needed because there is no other session to switch to. >It also allows you to start new sessions. maybe i wasn't clear: it's not needed for me. i start new sessions with a keyboard shortcut. i simply would like to have an option to enable that behaviour, because i find it very useful. i usually work like this: open-a-konsole-with-a-keyb-shourtcut work work open-a-new-session-with-a-keyb-shortcut show-the-toolbar-with-a-keyb-shortcut work so having a mode to auto-manage the toolbar would be useful for me. i don't need/want it to be the default behaviour
Implemented for Konsole 1.3 (tabbar context menu option).