Version: (using KDE KDE 3.1.1) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux You have to be a member to access chat. Once you identified, click 'chat' on the left menu. A new page appears with a yellow button "entrer dans le chat" to join the chat. When you click on the yellow button konqueror crash. Before that a khtml window ask me if i want to interrupt or continue this script. This script is supported by mozilla 1.3.1. Thanks.
this is my console debug message: khtml (jscript): WARNING: Script threw exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: popup NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML NodeImpl::toHTML zone still contained 42 blocks
could you add a backtrace (the second tab in the crash-dialog)?
I think i can't give you this, because with this error I never obtain a KDE crash dialog. I have to use xkill to kill konqueror and after I have no crash dialog. Normally, when I click on the submit button "entrer dans le chat", I obtain two popups, (in mozilla, that's ok) but in place konqueror freeze. Now I upgraded to kde 3.1.3 (debian unstable) and this problem is always here. Did you try to create a count on caramail to reapeat again this problem?
I confirm this bug, I'm on mandrake cooker konqueror 3.1.2... When I click 'open the chat' sometimes I get a warning about some scripts but the result is that the popup never opens and konqueror completely freeze, no crash dialog... need to kill -9 the process...
then please do not kill -9 but kill -SEGV and then give the backtrace
This bug is duplicate of 47679.
*** Bug 47679 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
..we still have no trace ;)
Since KDE 3.1.5 I have no longer this bug. But I can't say if this web site have changed the code or if it is khtml which are support it now. I've a knoppix live cd with kde 3.1.4, i'm going to do a test and give you backtrace.
The web site caramail have changed his code. With the changes, konqueror is now able to connect to the chat without freeze. If I cannot reproduce the bug, I have to close this report. Thank you to the team of kde for your interest and good work. And thank you for the vote of many people.
the code which cause the bug no longer exists.