Bug 57343 - random/multiple startup sound in the control center
Summary: random/multiple startup sound in the control center
Alias: None
Product: arts
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: knotify (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Arnold Krille
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Reported: 2003-04-16 23:43 UTC by Giovanni Derks
Modified: 2008-11-19 23:39 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Giovanni Derks 2003-04-16 23:43:59 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.1.1a)
Installed from:    RedHat RPMs
OS:          Linux

It would be very cool (IMHO), and I never saw anything like this out there, if the control center would have a function for set up a folder and/or a list of files (mp3/ogg/wav) to use randomly as startup sound..

It would be also nice to select if play a part of the songs in the middle of it, or at the beginning, or at the end.. and for how long in seconds.

The control center panel should only be different for the startup sound (maybe a button that lead to a new dialog will be enabled when you select the startup sound or something like this..).

And if you are asking what's the meaning of all this thing.. well.. it is just for don't be bored from the "always the same startup gingle" .. ;)

Hope this idea helps, and someone will implement it!
Thanks for your work!

Comment 1 Arnold Krille 2003-04-17 17:13:04 UTC
Perhaps a little kicker-applet playing random-sounds (like seen on some apples). 
Maybe this could get an option "Play a sound on startup"... 
What do you think? 
Comment 2 Giovanni Derks 2003-04-17 19:28:26 UTC
Yes a kicker-applet could play a sound at startup, but it would be the startup
of the app, not of the window manager.

And I'm not sure to understand what random-sounds will be useful for, when you
already launched kde.. (and remember, it is important to be able to play only a
part of the sound/song).
If you mean like a playlist with random sounds.. well.. maybe the fastest and
easyest way to implement this feature would be to use the noatun kicker plugin
(don't know the english name right now, I know it in italian.. but if you need
i'll look for it :p).

It could be implemented in this way:
- noatun kicker plugin with a "startup preset" (play songs for X sec, at the
B/M/E position, ..)

- kde control center sounds panel that asks, if you have to select a startup
sound, if to use a file or the noatun plugin..

this would be 2 advantages:
- users will find easily the feature
- the startup sound/song will be played at the begin of the kde session.


I just figoured out that the title of this bug report may lead to some
misunderstanding due to the word "multiple".. I mean that more than one file can
be taken as the startup sound not that more than one file will be played at
startup.. and this can be said just using the word "random" ;)
Comment 3 Giovanni Derks 2003-04-17 19:33:12 UTC
Sorry.. :P 
Now I remember why I used the word "multiple".. Just for say that it could be
random or not (sequencial) from a list of sounds/songs.
Comment 4 Arnold Krille 2003-04-17 19:43:10 UTC
Subject: Re:  random/multiple startup sound in the control center

Seems as if the describtion of my idea wasn't clear...

With the kicker-applet I don't mean an interface to a player. Its just a 
simple stupid applet which gets a list of files or dirs and randomly selects 
a file to play. Not directly one after another but with gaps. Did you never 
walk through an empty buro of macs hearing some of the computers playing 
silly noises? Shouting "You fool!" ???

Just something like that. Of course, if it plays a sound at its startup, it 
wouldn't be at the start of kwin but when you can actually use you kde since 
it doesn't load anything anymore... (My startup sound sometimes got delayed 
until cpu-load allowed things like sound...)

Its just an idea I have. Maybe I have time to code a simple version...


PS: If you want to hear a middle-sequence of a song you have to create a 
little file with it in my idea. Otherwise it would be to complex since mp3 
isn't a constant compression where you can jump to any particular position 
without knowing more about the file.

Comment 5 Giovanni Derks 2003-04-17 23:33:53 UTC
A simple version would be great! and also now your idea is more clear for me. It
is nice but it would be better if the sound would start when kwin starts since
the startup sound is, like the splash screen, something to hear/see while you
are waiting for the system to be ready. Anyway.. the apple would be the first
step towards my idea.

Moreover, as a more complete example to explain my idea , I've found the kde's
background settings.. The interface should works exactly how the "multiple
wallpapers" does for background.. but with sounds instead of images..

Comment 6 Matt Rogers 2008-11-19 23:39:48 UTC
Arts is no longer developed and has been unmaintained for quite some time - more than 2 years. With phonon as the replacement for arts in KDE4, we're closing out all the arts bugs in Bugzilla since there is no chance of them being fixed.
