Version: unknown (using KDE 3.1.9) Compiler: gcc version 3.2 (SuSE Linux) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.19-4GB sugestion: in konqueror click (LMB) on a backup file should pop up a menue with at least the following options a) open file with <associated application> (better not) b) view file with <associated application> (read only to avoid further damage) c) open file with <select application> (as it does now) - useless for panicing users d) restore file i.e. copy backup over original file - (eventualy only after viewing it) if users can not access the original file, these are exactly the situations where users tend to panic and destroy valuable backups by doing more and more things wrong if not guided and supported by the application cu ferdinand
All reports about file management mode reported against KDE 3 (konqueror) has been closed: konqueror in KDE 3 is no more developed and mantained. All bugs and wishes which could be interesting for Dolphin in KDE 4 (the new KDE file manager) has been collected into a specific list. Please try the new file manager before request new features and report bugs. Before submitting new reports check carefully the already opened KDE/Dolphin reports in order not to add duplicates. Many thanks.