Version: Gideon CVS (using KDE KDE 3.1) Installed from: Gentoo Packages In automake projects, when I set internal or external includes for the topproject, no subproject inherits the includes. Instead, I have to set them for each subproject individually.
Is this a bug? Is it unthinkable that two sets of include flags are mutually exclusive? If that isn't the case, I don't see how "inheriting" include flags from the top project can be done safely.
Subject: Re: autoproject: extra include dirs not inherited by subprojects If it's intended, it's a usability bug maybe. My project makes use of auxiliary libraries which I don't have installed in the usual /usr/include path PLUS the project consists of a lot of subdirectories which all need these includefiles. For sure it can be possible that a topfolder needs includes the subfolders don't, but then I think there is a need to make inheritance optional ( like you can optionally assign new filepermissions in subdirectories, too, in konqueror ). Regards, J
not a bug, but definitely something that we could implement in the future