Bug 54933 - Dependency problem breaks kdemultimedia
Summary: Dependency problem breaks kdemultimedia
Alias: None
Product: koncd
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kai Heitkamp
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-02-20 21:20 UTC by Bill Kristjanson
Modified: 2003-02-21 00:30 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Bill Kristjanson 2003-02-20 21:20:28 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.0.99)
Installed from:    RedHat RPMs
Compiler:          Using a precompiled rpm v 3.05a 
OS:          Linux

Installing Koncd from koncd-3.0.5a-1.i386.rpm causes kdemultimedia to "break" -- dependency problems.  Koncd must be uninstalled to properly run apt-get to update my system.

What does kdemultimedia provide anyway...  can it (kdemultimedia) just be uninstalled without breaking something else?

Comment 1 Maksim Orlovich 2003-02-20 22:03:26 UTC
Sorry, this is not the place for packaging issues. Further, there is no such thing as 
KOnCD 3.0.5 - KOnCD has never been released with KDE (it was pulled from 
being released as not being of shipable quality, but some distribution vendors 
apparently thought otherwise), and has never reached a 1.0 version. It also, 
unfortunately, appears dead. 
Comment 2 Bill Kristjanson 2003-02-21 00:30:33 UTC
Well... my copy clearly professes to be version 1.1 beta 1.  I have been trying
to remember where I found my copy.  I think it was at RH.  No matter.  If it is
dead, its dead.  Too bad.  Of all the programs I have tried I like it the best.

Thanks for getting back to me.
