Version: (using KDE KDE 3.1) Installed from: Compiled From Sources Compiler: GCC 3.2.1 OS: Linux (This is using KDevelop 3 alpha 3 (gideon) on KDE3.1 on a RH8 system, compiled from sources with GCC 3.2.1) When using KDevelop to create a new class (Project->New Class), and you tell it to use a base class. If that base class has any capital letters in it, the Kdevelop will ignore this when putting the #include statement into the newly generated .h file. It just puts everything in in lower case. This then means that you have to go and modify each .h file that is produced this way. For an example: if I have a class GLWindow, and I tell KDevelop to create a new class with that as the base class, it puts #include "glwindow.h" instead of #include "GLWindow.h".
Argh - I fixed this very thing a few months ago. Looks like somebody broke it... You used to be able to assign whether it generates filenames that are all lowercase or match the case of the classname.
Seems fixed in CVS. When you state the base class, the dialog suggests where this class is defined and if that filename is incorrect it's just a matter of correcting it before pressing OK on the dialog.