Version: (using KDE KDE 3.0.5) Installed from: FreeBSD Ports Compiler: gcc 2.95.4 ; gmake 3.79.1 OS: FreeBSD inside /scripts folder ,i have these shell scripts : file:/scripts Open_Volume #!/bin/sh mixer vol 70 permissions : -rwxr-xr-x Mount_Cdrom #!/bin/sh mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/acd0c /mnt/cdrom permissions : -rwxr-xr-x in /usr/home/virtuoso/desktop i have these desktop configuration files : Open_Volume [Desktop Entry] Comment[en_US]= Encoding=UTF-8 Exec='/scripts/Open_Volume' Icon=up MimeType= Name[En_US]=Open_Volume Path= ServiceType= SwallowExec= SwallowTitle= Terminal=true TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-KDE=SubstituteUID=false X-KDE=Username=root permissions = -r--r--r-- Mount-Cdrom [Desktop Entry] Comment[en_US]= Encoding=UTF-8 Exec='/scripts/Mount_Cdrom' Icon=cdrom_mount MimeType= Name[En_US]=Mount_Cdrom Path= ServiceType= SwallowExec= SwallowTitle= Terminal=true TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-KDE=SubstituteUID=true X-KDE=Username=root permissions = -r--r--r-- until 3 days ago when i clicked over the icons of my desktop,i was able to run Open_Volume and Mount_cdrom,logging inside my freebsd machine with the user of virtuoso and submitting my root password with su. my group fle is : wheel:*:0:root,virtuoso operator:*:5:root,virtuoso virtuoso:*:1001: when i've upgraded to kde 3.05 from the ports,im getting this error : konsole : chownty failed for device /dev/ptyp3::/dev/ttyp3. this means the session can be eavesdroped make sure konsole_grantpty is installed in /usr/local/bin/ and setuid root and im not able anymore to run my shell scripts. they are working great when i log in using root.
You quote these parts of your .desktop file: X-KDE=SubstituteUID=true X-KDE=Username=root but if I make a new .desktop file for Mount_Cdrom, I get entries X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true X-KDE-Username=root This may be a typo on your part, though. In any case, when I run my .desktop file, it starts kdesu as expected (which then hangs, but that's another bug #50406). No konsole is started yet. The warning message from konsole is related to #42986 and #54740 and doesn't seem to be related. I'd like you to try to re-create the .desktop files with the newer KDE (right-click on the desktop, new->link to application, go through all the steps) and see if this persists.
Response timeout.
Bug closed. Kdesktop is no more mantained.