Version: (using KDE KDE 3.0.99) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages The manual states that in block-selection mode I can select a rea from colum 5 to 10 in lines 7 to 15 or something. What I see is that a TAB is counted as one chracter here, which is very confusing as it is displayed as some number of spaces. So lines containing tabs stick 'out of the block' at the right side. Dunno wether this is the way god and you developers intended this to be, but it looks very strange to me;-) Regards, Tobias
This isn't intentional but is a bit difficult to fix (block selection needs to use X coordinates instead of column numbers)... probably is something that will have to wait for 3.2.
This behavior is not solely caused by tabs. Try various block selects with the text below. If the last line is included in the block you can only select a rectangle that is 8 characters wide. This worked perfectly in kwrite in 2.x and works incorrectly (but differently) in kate and kwrite this is a line that is of the some length followed by a short line followed by a long line where I have typed some sort of nonsense
*** Bug 57287 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
What needs to be done: - fix tabs (that is more a wish and beauty problem) - allow to select behind end of line to allow to select textblock like sdkfjdsklfjd lk
*** Bug 56584 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
block selection mode will cause wrapCursor to be off only thing needs still to be done: beautify the look, that will be wish
would not this be solved along with bug #56935 ??
*** Bug 74918 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Can we please have a fix for this bug? It's been 4 and a half years now since it was reported. For an example of the problem, see the following image: Thanks
Block selection with tabs is still dodgy in Kate in KDE 4.1.
Created attachment 35977 [details] block selection with tabs This is the right behaviour: tab is one char, like a space or a dot. It is correct that it is interpred by its meaning not by the visual space it uses on the monitor. IMHO this bug is a worksforme.
@FiNeX: You're joking, right? It's natural to expect block selection mode to select a rectangular block of text. This is perceptual, not conceptual. Say you have a file with tab separate data. Assume the tab stops line up but each field may vary slightly in their widths (not uncommon in the real world). If you use block selection mode to extract a subset of that data you'd expect to be able to select from one tab stop and get a nice rectangle over the subset you want. But since the fields have different widths you cannot do that. At *best* this is a wishlist bug for a configuration option, but it should certainly not be closed as a worksforme.
@Brendon - I've one thought: on kate you can configure how many "spaces" display as tab width, changing that option cause the block selection to "visually" select different the text. If you, for example, set this option to 1, the block selection visually looks like you want. If you configure it to display a tab with 10 spaces, for example, and you're selecting a colum visually into that tab (look on my next screenshot for an example), which char should be copied? A cutted "tab" char? Impossible... A space? it is not the char on that place, it is incoherent... This is why I've strong doubts on changing the current behaviour
Created attachment 35987 [details] mockup Mockup of the suggested "perceptual" block selection.
Hmm, okay, that is a tricky corner case. My first thought is that it should probably copy nothing for partial tab selection. So that particular line in your mockup would copy as an empty line. Even so, as an end user, that behaviour would make more sense and be more useful to me than the current situation.
i agree with those who say that it should select a rectangular area. if parts of a tab is cut/deleted, the tab should be expanded to space characters and the selected space characters should be removed. if parts of tab is selected when copying, then that should be copied as space characters.
SVN commit 1067647 by pletourn: Improve block selection in presence of tabs CCBUG:52195 M +16 -2 document/katedocument.cpp M +2 -0 document/katedocument.h M +1 -1 document/katetextline.cpp M +4 -14 render/katerenderer.cpp M +0 -6 view/kateview.cpp WebSVN link:
Hi, the handling has been changed now and it would be nice to get feedback again. I'll close this report, so if issues persist, you can reopen.