Bug 51667 - aRts builder crashes on executing structure
Summary: aRts builder crashes on executing structure
Alias: None
Product: arts
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: artsbuilder (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Stefan Westerfeld
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-12-09 03:27 UTC by dudley flanders
Modified: 2003-06-20 17:35 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

20030208-dynamicskeleton.diff (2.05 KB, text/plain)
2003-02-08 23:56 UTC, Stefan Westerfeld

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description dudley flanders 2002-12-09 03:27:07 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.0.99)
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources
Compiler:          GCC 3.2 
OS:          Linux

Artsbuilder crashes no matter what whenever I try to execute a structure. Here's a backtrace:

 [New Thread 8192 (LWP 32122)]
[New Thread 16385 (LWP 32123)]
[New Thread 8194 (LWP 32124)]
0x420ae169 in wait4 () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#0  0x420ae169 in wait4 () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#1  0x4212a2d0 in __DTOR_END__ () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#2  0x40f03c63 in waitpid () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#3  0x406b9381 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) ()
   from /usr/local/kde/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#4  <signal handler called>
#5  0x080659cb in Structure::startExecute() ()
#6  0x0805db72 in ArtsBuilderWindow::execute() ()
#7  0x0805ee67 in ArtsBuilderWindow::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) ()
#8  0x40a11fce in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#9  0x40a11e8b in QObject::activate_signal(int) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#10 0x40482d04 in KAction::activated() () from /usr/local/kde/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#11 0x40473aab in KAction::slotActivated() ()
   from /usr/local/kde/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#12 0x40482ea8 in KAction::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) ()
   from /usr/local/kde/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#13 0x40a11f4a in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#14 0x40a11e8b in QObject::activate_signal(int) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#15 0x40c9fbc0 in QButton::clicked() () from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#16 0x40a8699c in QButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#17 0x40a3f513 in QWidget::event(QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#18 0x409c0261 in QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#19 0x409bfb36 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#20 0x4063a22c in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/local/kde/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#21 0x4097125b in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent(_XEvent const*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#22 0x4096efa5 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent(_XEvent*) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#23 0x40981c71 in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#24 0x409d1703 in QEventLoop::enterLoop() ()
   from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#25 0x409d15c0 in QEventLoop::exec() () from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#26 0x409c0474 in QApplication::exec() () from /usr/local/qt/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#27 0x0805eaf3 in main ()
#28 0x420158d4 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
Comment 1 lhf 2003-01-13 10:40:25 UTC
Artsbuilder is crashing for me also, SIGSEGV when I try to execute any    structure file.  Have run both artsd & artsbuilder thru gdb, segmentation fault    appears to be raised from artsbuilder, both progs die at this point.        Running Mandrake, gcc version 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)   arts, libarts etc all latest updated versions for Mandrake 9.0.      artsd runs with: /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -a alsa -b 16 -s 60 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f  ...when executing a file in artsbuilder...  Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x4070feda in Arts::DynamicSkeleton<Arts::SynthModule_skel>::DynamicSkeleton(std::string const&) () from /usr/lib/libartsbuilder.so.0  
Comment 2 Stefan Westerfeld 2003-02-08 23:56:33 UTC
Subject: Re:  aRts builder crashes on executing structure


On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 09:40:28AM -0000, lhf@xtra.co.nz wrote:
> Artsbuilder is crashing for me also, SIGSEGV when I try to execute any    structure file.  Have run both artsd & artsbuilder thru gdb, segmentation fault    appears to be raised from artsbuilder, both progs die at this point.        Running Mandrake, gcc version 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)   arts, libarts etc all latest updated versions for Mandrake 9.0.      artsd runs with: /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -a alsa -b 16 -s 60 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f  ...when executing a file in artsbuilder...  Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x4070feda in Arts::DynamicSkeleton<Arts::SynthModule_skel>::DynamicSkeleton(std::string const&) () from /usr/lib/libartsbuilder.so.0

I think I've found the problem, but I am not entierly convinced whether it is
a compiler bug or a bug in the code, since it does not occur with gcc-2.95.
I've reported a compiler bug (gcc -> gnats -> c++/9629), which contains a test
case of the same complex virtual inheritance hierarchy.

In any case, I've created a patch to aRts which avoids the problem, but I'd
like to apply that (to HEAD and KDE3_1) only if its definitely not a compiler
bug. I'll attach the patch here.

   Cu... Stefan

Created an attachment (id=912)
Comment 3 Niels Sascha Reedijk 2003-03-27 21:40:47 UTC
I believe this is fixed in recent GCC releases.

From the bug tracker: 
> Number: 9629  
> Category: c++  
> Synopsis: [3.2/3.3/3.4 regression] virtual inheritance segfault  
> Confidential: no  
> Severity: serious  
> Priority: high  
> Responsible: nathan  
!!!!! > State: closed  

Can the bug be closed?
Comment 4 Dirk Mueller 2003-06-20 17:35:28 UTC
gcc bug has been fixed.