Bug 51445 - Some listed cvs mirrors are defunct
Summary: Some listed cvs mirrors are defunct
Alias: None
Product: www.kde.org
Classification: Websites
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Webmaster
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-12-02 20:49 UTC by Nathaniel W. Turner
Modified: 2003-03-15 18:29 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Nathaniel W. Turner 2002-12-02 20:49:08 UTC
Version:            (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

/home/projects/kdecvs/cvsroot fails with:
Unknown host kde.hub.org.

/usr/local/anoncvs/kde fails with:
Fatal error, aborting.
kde: no such user

They both seem pretty defunct...  Maybe they should be removed from the list at http://developer.kde.org/source/anoncvs.html
Comment 1 Chris Howells 2003-03-15 18:29:28 UTC
Subject: developer.kde.org/source

CVS commit by howells: 

kde.cyberlifelabs.com doesn't work, removing from list. Have mailed maintainer.

CCMAIL: 51445-done@bugs.kde.org

  M +1 -1      anoncvs.html   1.18

--- developer.kde.org/source/anoncvs.html  #1.17:1.18
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@
          <li><font color="red">:pserver:anonymous@kdecvs.radar.tugraz.at:/cvs <b>(new name!)</b></font> in Austria, maintained by <a href="mailto:tom@radar.tu-graz.ac.at">Thomas Leitner</a></li>
-         <li><font color="red">:pserver:anonymous@kde.cyberlifelabs.com:/usr/local/anoncvs/kde</font> in California, USA, maintained by <a href="mailto:milo@cyberlifelabs.com">Milo Hyson</a></li>
+         <!-- <li><font color="red">:pserver:anonymous@kde.cyberlifelabs.com:/usr/local/anoncvs/kde</font> in California, USA, maintained by <a href="mailto:milo@cyberlifelabs.com">Milo Hyson</a></li> -->
          <li><font color="red">:pserver:anonymous@cvs.kde.org.yu:/cvs/kde</font> in Yugoslavia, maintained by <a href="mailto:roske@mainstream.co.yu">Marko Rosic</a></li>
          <li><font color="red">:pserver:anonymous@kdecvs.student.utwente.nl:/home/kdecvs/kde</font> in Netherlands, maintained by <a href="mailto:tom@ninja.nl">Tom Jansen</a></li>