Version: kdevelop-cvskdevelop-cvs (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc 3.2 i686-linux-gnu OS: Linux This is not only a kdevelop bug, but an overall bug(maybe) in kdelibs(I believe kdelibs contains kdocs), and libxml, libxslt. I am currently using Libxml 2.4.26 and libxslt 1.2.22 The problem is that all of the index.docbook's with kde software refers to doc/kdex.dtd, which should really be /path/to/kde/doc/kdex.dtd(at least on my system). I am running Gentoo 1.4rc1
The FPI is correct, there is no need to change any document, they are perfectly right. The likely cause of this is that the current version of libxml2 (2.4.26) has a bug, it has been reported to the maintainer and apparently fixed in the next release. As a workaround for the present, back down to 2.4.25
I even changed the seperator in meinproc to space and it's still broken. But it will be fixed in libxml 2.4.27