Version: 4.0 (using KDE 3.0.3) Installed from: Gentoo Compiler: gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.19-gentoo-r7 All I can see with Konqueror 3.0.3 is a small part of in the middle of the window. This site worked fine with Konq 3.0.2 (don't know with 3.1 beta). Konqueror is not listed as compatible (not listed at all) with this site however they claim to use the W3C standard very strictly. (works fine with mozilla >0.95 or opera 6)
Can't reproduce with CVS
Using kde3.1 beta2 the bug seems to be partially solved. KHTML now renders different (a little better) then kde 3.0.3 however there is a big regression since 3.0.2. The whole left bottom part of the site is not shown. I checked the site with the HTML Validation Service and with the CSS Validation Service and both showed no errors. worked fine with KDE 3.1 post-beta2 but doesn't work with RC1 (massiv regression). The main frame is not shown at all, only the top bar is shown. This site also worked fine with KDE 3.0.2. Please tell me if you need further informations.
Please create a small test case.
Imho there are some other pages which are not renedered in KDE-CVS
Not a testcase, but here is what happens: Through tons of javascript code they detect konqueror as a non-netscape browser and use document.write calls to generate the page structure (using tables, divs and iframes). Problem seems to be the iframes they use: <iframe src="javascript:c=\'<html><body><img src=\'+unescape(\'%22\')+\''+ServerName+'.gif\'+unescape(\'%22\')+\'></body></html>\'" name="topnav" id="topnav" frameborder="0" scrolling="No" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="100%" height="98" style="z-index:10;"></iframe> or <iframe id="testxx" src="javascript:c='http://url'" width=100 height=100></iframe> None of these work in Konqueror 3.1 even when not generated by javascript code.
bug still there in kde 3.1.1
bug still there in kde 3.1.3 and also in cvs head - page doesn't render at all, only a white canvas can be seen. If you go to at least the main frame works, but not the menu and left bar.
kde 3.1.4 still has the same issue. safari does a better job for I hope some dev takes pity on us austrians. Thanks roger55
Hi! 1) this page checks for compatibility and refuses to display the non-text with konqueror because of "non compatibility" 2) changing the browser identification shows images, but not the header of the page
actually the one problem that seems to be left over (beside the compat problem) seems to be the header. And the page seems to go all blank til I resize from time to time. This is really tricky it seems :)
may be they will coop to tell you what's there idea of having this sort of code, to make konqueror rendering this page.
yea, just ask
Just wanted to tell you that it still doesn't work in CVS HEAD, but it renders different from before for me: In 3.1.4 there is everything white (only when I go to I see the content frame, but other two still white). Now with HEAD I see the content frame without that "hack" but not the menu frame which should be above it (where it is still white). Also the area left to the content frame should show something like a sidebar (just open in mozilla to see it).
I can also confirm that this bug is not totally resolved in Konqueror 3.2.0. The header is left blank and others have mentioned. This page also does appear to be valid HTML 4.0 transitional, however it doesn't include the charset type.
Page seems to be fine in kde 3.2.1 except for the upper and lower headers. These appear as blank. These headers are frames. When I right click inside of the top frame, I get no context menu enteries for "Frame".. When I right click inside of the bottom frame, I can view the frame source.. however, the location is set to about:blank in that frame.
the dom tree shows a div (id=adserver), a table, and a frame (location=about:blank)
Problem still persists with QT 3.3.2, KDE 3.2.2
Problem still exists in kde3.3_alpha1, QT 3.3.2 does work very well with the KHTML-based Safari (MacOSX 10.3.3), so hopefully the solution is not far away
this nasty bug will have it's 2nd birthday soon ;-)
another page with similar symptoms
I actually noticed a regression from KDE3.2 to KDE3.3. (Not using CVS version though). When a page gets loaded (not the front-page), the article will shortly appear, then disappear. Only way to avoid this seems to stop loading the page at the correct moment. I don't know, how long the following URL will stay valid, but it exhibits the error (don't forget to set your browser identification to IE or Mozilla):
I can confirm the regression. I used to use Konqueror for although I could not see the advertisement on top of the page (ohh). But right now the text of the news article disappears as soon as I want to read it ;-/ So I had to switch back to Firefox. It worked up to KDE 3.2.3. SuSE 9.0 with the KDE 3.3.0 packages from SuSE BTW: I just found out that Konqueror now includes the long missed "Search as you type" feature -> great!
KDE3.3.1 fixed the regression. except one top-bar (ads?) renders correctly again and is fully functional (as long as one changes the browser-identification).
in CVS it does not rendered - the top region of - the bottom region of
addendum: the top bar doesn't contain ads (at least not primarily) but a navigation bar between the article ressorts. But it's not a major drawback if you can't use these.
I recompiled yesterday with CVS and it works perfectly now. Whoever fixed this - you're my hero Can someone please test this again with HEAD:
Yes, HEAD works fine if browser identification is mozilla.
Is it also fixed in 3.4?
I donk think it's fixed in 3.4, must be something from the last few days.
Can confirm, that it works in KDE.3.4 RELEASE, but not with "konqueror" as broweser-identification.
Closing due to popular confirmation :-)