(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: xinerama Version: KDE 3.0.3 Severity: normal Installed from: RedHat RPMs Compiler: gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-112) OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Kernel 2.4.19 This bug happened in 3.0.0 in RedHat 7.2 before doing a clean reinstall to 7.3 and installing 3.0.0 then 3.0.2 and now 3.0.3. I have two screens (1280x1024 on the left and 1024x768 on the right) and I use Xinerama. The left screen is physically lower than the right. Icons and Windows insist on placing themselves near 00 in the upper-left-hand corner which is off-screen. Usually I can just drag the windows down with Alt+Drag but that is a "drag." (: Anyway Xinerama support has come a long long way. Way to go guys! (Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
Also I would like to add that I am running XFree 4.2.0. CD __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes http://finance.yahoo.com
Is this bug still present in a recent version of KDE, such as 3.5.8 or KDE 4.0 RC 2?
Closing due to no response by reporter. Please reopen if this bug can be reproduced in a recent version of KDE, such as 4.0.1 or 3.5.9