Bug 46081 - Hiding unplayable files in Hayes
Summary: Hiding unplayable files in Hayes
Alias: None
Product: noatun
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: hayes (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Other
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Neil Stevens
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-02 17:48 UTC by Rob Kaper
Modified: 2003-01-20 17:27 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Rob Kaper 2002-08-02 17:41:04 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package: noatun
Severity: wishlist
Version: cvs

And perhaps not showing dirs that have no playable files under them. :-)

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: hayes
Date: Friday 02 August 2002 19:35
From: Neil Stevens <neil@qualityassistant.com>
To: Rob Kaper <cap@capsi.com>

Hash: SHA1

On Friday August 02 2002 10:19 Rob Kaper wrote:
> Would it be possible for hayes to hide all files noatun cannot play
> anyway like zip files? :-)

That would be easy feel free to file it. :-)
- --
Neil Stevens - neil@qualityassistant.com
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
because I think well if they attack one personally it means they
have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Rob Kaper     | Gimme some love gimme some skin
cap@capsi.com | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much
www.capsi.com | and we ain't got nothing nothing! -- "Nothing" by A
Comment 1 Bugzilla Maintainers 2002-09-01 19:16:40 UTC
I'm not sure if I should file a separate issue on this or if this bug 
can cover both Hayes and the standard playlist. Anyway this bug happens 
with the standard playlist too.

I added a directory to the playlist which had both music files and other 
files in it. I assumed noatun would be smart enough to not load other 
files than music files but apparently it wasn't. I ended up with a HUGE 
playlist which had tons of .c .h and other unplayable files.

André Dahlqvist <anedah-9@student.luth.se>
Comment 2 Rob Kaper 2002-10-27 19:56:27 UTC
Neil, what's the status of this for Hayes? You said it was simple.. 
Charles, can this be done in Noatun itself or is it playlist responsibility? 
Comment 3 Neil Stevens 2002-10-27 22:37:37 UTC
The Noatun core has nothing to do with this, of course. 
I'll do this when I get around to it.  But I certainly can't do it right now, 
becuase we're in deep freeze right now. 
Oh, and note that Charles won't see this bug unless you add him to the CC, as 
bugs with Component: hayes go to me. 
Comment 4 Neil Stevens 2003-01-20 17:27:55 UTC
Implemented in cvs.  Look for version 1.21 to have it.