(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: konsole Version: 1.1.2 (using KDE 3.0.2 ) Severity: wishlist Installed from: Red Hat Linux 7.3 Compiler: gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-110) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.18-5custom OS/Compiler notes: Hi first as always thanks a lot for the great konsole application that makes many tasks so much easier. I'm part-time sysadmin for a small cluster. Often I will have a konsole window open with root-sessions for each of the machines in the cluster. The "Send Input to All Sessions" feature makes many administration tasks that can not be automated a snap since I only have to type once. Recently I stumbled across an issue with this feature that I find rather dangerous: The "SItAS" flag is not global to a konsole window but local to each session inside that window. So I worked in one session switching SItAS on and off as needed then went and worked in another session (on another host). Suddenly the SItAS behavior was totally different! Loged in as root I don't have to tell you that this can be quite dangerous. Now the problem here was not that SItAS is session-local but that my expectations were different and I did not explicitely test them before starting to work. (This is why I file this as a wishlist item) Still seeing how dangerous automatic writing into shell windows can be I think it would be better to go with the less surprising option of making SItAS global and making the local behavior a configuration option. This is just my personal opinion. You guys do a great job and whatever you decide is fine with me. But it might be worth a thought..... Cheers Hans (Submitted via bugs.kde.org) (Called from KBugReport dialog)
I just noticed that the toolbar contains perfect notification for the SItAS flag. Only problem is that I never have the toolbar visible (to save screen real estate). -- Hans Ecke hans<at>ecke.ws / hans<at>acoustics.mines.edu Department of Geophysics http://hans.ecke.ws Colorado School of Mines Tel: (USA) 303-273-3733 Golden Colorado Fax: (USA) 303-273-3478 Stick with what you know and travel light: if you only carry a hammer then all problems are nails.
I think I understand what you are referring to. The SItAS flag is now the little icon that goes in the tab. And if you have the tabbar hidden, you can't see that icon. You are asking for every session to send its input to every other session? Perhaps you could try a new release and update this bug report.
The SitAS flag is the tab is how you know which session is 'send input to all sessions'. If you require to hide the tabs, I would suggest using a different schema and/or different shell prompt to help you remember which session is which.