-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): nalimilan -- -- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/113 on 2017-05-30 15:26:48 +0100 -- If you select some text in the R console, you can't type any text in it. This is very annoying, because I often end up selecting one or two characters inadvertently when I click on the console to focus it: when the mouse is moving, it's very hard to avoid selecting something. It took me months to understand why, seemingly at random, I couldn't type anything. I can imagine this may bite people at times, which gives a very bad impression. As I don't see the reason why typing should be disabled when text is selected, I suggest changing this behavior \(unless that's a technical limitation\).
Hi\! The technical issue behind this is this: If a selection is active, any key press would usually affect that selection \(e.g. replacing it\). Since everything outside the last line should be read-only, the policy was to ignore key-presses \(with a beep\), if there is a selection, outside the last line. I have now changed this to clear the selection \(not the selection contents, of course\), then handle the key. I guess that really is better is almost all use cases. Regards Thomas
- **assigned_to**: nobody --> tfry - **summary**: Can't type in the console if text is selected --> FIXED IN SVN: Can't type in the console if text is selected - **status**: open --> open-fixed
-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): nalimilan -- Cool\! ;-\)
- **status**: open-fixed --> closed-fixed