-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): *anonymous -- -- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/92 on 2017-05-30 15:26:46 +0100 -- I am building rkward with: cmake -DCMAKE\_INSTALL\_PREFIX="$\{pkgdir\}/usr" \ -DR\_LIBDIR="$\{pkgdir\}/usr/lib/R/library" make make install which produced correctly working rkward 0.5.5, but the version 0.5.6 won't start with: /usr/lib/R/bin/Rcmd: line 61: /home/nik/Dokumenty/build/aur/rkward/pkg/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/rkward.frontend: Directory of file doesn't exist Am I suppost to use diferent flags to package the rkward, or is there some error in rkward?
Hi\! I'm surprised it worked, before. Generally, you should always pass the final directories to cmake, then use DESTDIR to install to a prefix for packaging. I.e.: cmake -DCMAKE\_INSTALL\_PREFIX="/usr" -DR\_LIBDIR="/usr/lib/R/library" make make install DESTDIR="$\{pkgdir\}" Let me know, if this does not fix the issue. Regards Thomas
No further reply, so closing this. If you continue to see problems with this, please open a new ticket.
- **status**: open --> closed-invalid