-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): *anonymous -- -- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/65 on 2017-05-30 15:26:44 +0100 -- I use RKWard Version 0.5.2 on KDE 4.3.2, with R version 2.10.1 \(2009-12-14\). When I want to launch 'rggobi' from RKWard \( function: ggobi\(\) \) the application hang or crash every time... But it work in a plain R session outside of RKWard. I've done a little testing without succes... Sorry\! As Ggobi is an external apps, i don't know if the bug come from RKWard or GGobi, but GGobi work well from a plain R session as I said. Good luck.
Thanks for reporting. The problem is that RKWard currently does not work with RGtk2 \(or vice versa\). We hope to fix this problem, eventually, but this is a difficult one, and will not be solved in the short term. We already have a report on this - more general - RGtk2 issue, here: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1878594&group\_id=50231&atid=459007 . Please add any further comments, there. Regards Thomas
- **status**: open --> closed-duplicate